C++DatabaseDelphiIDEInterBaseRAD Studio

A Cornucopia of Tools To Leverage

Delphi and C++ developers have a wide spectrum of available tools to help build solutions for their companies and customers. Beyond just the compiler, IDE, components and libraries, Embarcadero and Idera provide tools you can leverage to get development done faster and with higher quality. Here is a quick rundown of all of the tools. Developer Tools Delphi and C++Builder (Professional…
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5 Compelling Reasons Why You Need IDE Software

Right now, we’re facing one of the most challenging times in IT. Enterprises are looking to accelerate improvements to keep up with rapidly changing market conditions. Hence, impacting the role of IT and piling more pressure on developers to deliver more business…
DelphiIDERAD Studio

Grab Your HUGE Delphi Anniversary “Innovation Timeline” Infographic!

Are you interested in seeing how your preferred programming language has progressed over time and what additional innovations it has enabled? Is Delphi tearing your curly brackets apart, or has C# sharpened your skills? Do you remember the various phones you’ve had throughout the years? Are you an Android phone fanatic or an Apple aficionado? When Candy Crush was first released, what Android…
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6 Books About Delphi You Should Read

Reading is an essential skill for Windows application development. Development is a nebulous and constantly expanding subject and I’ve noticed that the most successful coders, project managers and designers are often readers with a voracious appetite for consuming books on everything they possibly can to keep feeding a hunger for knowledge. Unlike a waistline, expanding your mind is rarely…
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The Top 10 Tips For Excellent Windows 11 C++ App Development

Windows 11 is fast reaching the point where it’s impossible to ignore if you want to carry out c++ app development with Builder C++ or target Windows users with your apps. Despite the more rigorous hardware requirements, which meant that not every user could immediately install this free new version, it’s still reaching a huge percentage of the world. If you’re going to embrace…
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