C++DatabaseDelphiRAD Studio

What Makes Enterprise Software Development Unique?

Developing enterprise software can be both a challenging and rewarding process. It’s estimated that companies managing applications for over ten thousand users spend about twelve to eighteen months in development cycles alone, meaning it requires comprehensive planning, testing, and implementation.  However, the end result of developing this type of complex software can provide an…
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Latest updates in Python4Delphi and PythonEnvironments in Delphi-Python EcoSystem

We’ve launched a new series of Delphi-Python EcoSystem update posts with the first Stable Python Environments blog post. This post will cover more development updates we had in the meantime, not just for development on Windows but for other platforms too. This update focuses on both the Python4Delphi (P4D) and the PythonEnvironments projects. Python4Delphi (P4D) is the core…
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Is WPF Dead? What Is The Best Alternative?

A UI framework is an important software tool for creating software programs. For years, people have been using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) to create desktop client applications. Despite receiving multiple updates since its launch, based on our research, WPF seems…

Developer Interview: Kiriakos Vlahos, Creator of PyScripter, Developer & Maintainer of "Python for Delphi" Libraries

Kiriakos Vlahos is a software engineer with a PhD in Management Science and more than 40 years of experience in the industry. He is the creator of PyScripter, a Python IDE built with Delphi that is hugely popular among both Delphi and Python developers, and the developer and maintainer of Python for Delphi and other delphi libraries. Originally from Greece, Kiriakos lived and worked in London for…
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Secrets of Visual Design on Windows 11

Using truly great IDE software really empowers software developers. RAD Studio is so much more than just Delphi – which I think is the easiest professional modern programming language you can pick – it also brings along a whole bunch of great things not the least of which is a rich selection of professionally designed graphical program styles to make your apps look like you have the…
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