Python4Delphi is the library that provides the integration between Python and Delphi. It is effectively a bidirectional bridge that allows Delphi to execute Python code and call Python libraries and allows Python to call modules written in Delphi in otherwise interact with Delphi code, objects, interfaces, records, etc. For example, you could wrap the VCL from Python and use it to create an…
Quickly Learn How To Fetch A Table Using FireDAC In This IFDPhysCommand Delphi Sample
January 26, 2021
The sample uses theIFDPhysCommandinterace tofetch rowsfrom the current command cursor in theDatStable. To this end, the samplecreates a commandinterface to:
PrepareaSELECTcommand.Definethe structure…
Tutorial: Introduction To C++ Parallel Compilation With TwineCompile
January 26, 2021
Use TwineCompile to improve your C++Builder developer speed and productivity. TwineCompile is available via the GetIt Package Manager for 10.4 and newer with Update Subscription.
TwineCompile lists its features as:
Advanced compile system uses multi-threading technology and…
Quickly Access Windows System Info In Your Delphi Application With Excellent Component Suite
January 25, 2021
Developers may often require to collect system info such as computer, processor, devices, networks, etc. for various purposes in your Delphi application. Accessing that information is no longer a tough task. MiTec’s System Information Management Suite is the right choice for easy use in your applications. In this blog post, how to use the TMiTec_SystemInfo component to access system…
Quickly Define Powerful Client-Side Aggregating Formulas With FireDAC Using TFDQuery In Delphi
January 24, 2021
This sample demonstrates how to define the client-side aggregating formulas with TFDQuery. You can find out more about aggregated fields and values in the Embarcadero DocWiki.
The fkAggregate aggregated fields management is similar to the expression calculated fields…
Quickly Learn How Easy It Is To Bind DataSets To Visual Controls In Delphi With LiveBindings
January 23, 2021
This Sample Uses LiveBindings To Bind A TBindNavigator With Other Controls
You can find theBindLinkFMXsample project at:
Start | Programs | Embarcadero RAD Studio Sydney | Samples and then navigate to Object…
Master A Powerful Way To Execute Multiple SQL Commands In Delphi With This Windows Sample
January 22, 2021
This sample demonstrates two ways ofhandling errorsin anarray DML execution.
To this end, the sample implements two ways of handling the errors:
Implementing anOnErrorevent.Using theEFDDBEngineExceptionclass on a loop.
You can find theBatchErrorHandlingsample project at:
Start | Programs | Embarcadero RAD Studio Sydney |…
The sample shows in a nice way how to use theTFDLocalSQLcomponent to execute SQL commands on in-memory database, represented by several TFDMemTables.
This sample uses aTFDConnectionto connect to the SQLite in-memory database (with…
Quickly Set Up Flexible Master-Detail Relationships Between Datasets In Delphi Apps
January 18, 2021
The sample uses the master-detail relationship to automatically filter a detail dataset based on a current master dataset record. In this sample, the master dataset has “Order” records, and the detail dataset shows only lines for the current order. Moreover, the…
When creating a robust and large-scale application containing lots of components interacting with each other, the Delphi Event Bus framework can be a great solution to maintain loose coupling and building a consistent platform.
If you know Bus Topology from Networking classes back in your Computer Science classes, you can easily understand what is Event Bus framework, because they are quite…