CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Threadripper 3990X vs. 5950X: 1 BILLION Lines Of Object Pascal Code For #Delphi26th

Celebrating Delphi’s 26th Anniversary with some modern hardware! Two of the fastest CPUs on the market right now are the AMD Ryzen 9 5950X and the AMD Threadripper 3990X. The 5950X features 16 cores and a higher clock speed while the Threadripper 3990X features 64 cores and a higher overall PassMark score (80923). In previous posts one billion lines of Object Pascal was compiled on the AMD…
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CodeDelphiTech Partner

Detect The Windows WiFi Networks In Your Delphi App With This Powerful Component Suite

Nowadays, accessing Wi-Fi networks is becoming common in our Desktop, Web, Mobile, and IoT applications. Detecting available or cached Wi-Fi network information is no longer a tough task for your code. MiTec’sSystem Information Management Suite’s component helps to detect Wi-Fi networks, and we will learn how to use TMiTeC_WIFI component in the blog…
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Robust DataSet To JSON And JSON To DataSet API For Delphi

Most of the time, developers tend to use DataSet to manipulate the data in their applications. DataSet is helpful because it stores data in the dataset’s fields array property. You can easily access these values by number or by name. Moreover, each field can be used to read or modify the current record’s data by using its Value property or type-specific properties such as AsString…
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CodeDatabaseDelphiRAD Studio

Flexible InterBase AdminUtility Sample Tours You Through Powerful InterBase Features

The sample also admits authentication. Apart from the parameters to connect to an InterBase server, the sample has four tabs to perform administrative tasks: Server UsersTab: ClickRefresh Usersto get all the users from the InterBase server. BackupTab: Use this tab to backup a database. Introduce theDatabase Pathto specify the InterBase database and…
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