
How To Use Strings And File Names In C++ Software?

Hello to All Beginner and Professional C++ Developers, C++ Builder is a modern, professional IDE with great C and C++ compilers for a range of different OS platforms tocreate great C++ software. The C++ Builder IDE and runtime have a lot of modern features. This is another hot week of summer with a lot of new C++ posts. Every post here gives you more details about the methods of modern…
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C++CodeDelphiIDERAD Studio

How To Build iOS Apps Without A Mac

To effectively answer how to build iOS apps without a Mac, we first need to know why some form of a Mac is always going to be necessary for a very small part of this process even though we discuss here how you can use a Windows computer to design and program macOS and iOS…
C++CodeRAD Studio

Everything You Need To Know About Destructors In A C++ App

Hello Great C++ Developers, C++ Builder is a great C++ IDE and compiler to help you build a wonderful C++ app with lots of modern features and this is another amazing week with a lot of new C++ posts. This week, we pick some of different usage methods of constructor and destructor in classes. Object Oriented Programming is a way to integrate with objects which can contain data in the…
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This Is How To Properly End A Running C++ App

C++ is one of the most perennially powerful and popular programming languages. Using a fast and reliable compiler to create your C++ app is very important for both beginners and professionals alike since it helps C++ developers in remembering which language features exist…

10 Signs You Should Invest in Cross Platform Apps

Cross platform apps are becoming increasingly popular as they allow users to access their favorite apps and programs on multiple devices. If you are considering investing in cross platform app development, here are ten signs that it’s a good idea! How to determine if your business needs cross platform apps If you are not sure whether your business needs cross platform apps, there are…
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10 Creative Ways To Develop Awesome C++ Apps On Windows

1. Use The Latest Modern Components via Get-It! When developing Modern C++ apps we mostly refer to a lot of libraries and other tools that helps us to modernize our applications. They also help to save time, to save us to see a lot of code lines, to save us to learn and focus on more areas. One of the strongest parts of C++ Builder is its components and libraries, plus it supports 3rd party…
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