C++CodeIDEModernizationNewsRAD StudioShowcaseWindows

Safety with C++Builder 12.3: Introducing Sanitizers

Ever since we started using our enhanced Clang compiler, we’ve had a consistent request: can we add runtime checking? For many customers, this has been because the old ‘classic’ compiler used to have a feature called CodeGuard, which was helpful for catching errors, and if migrating to a newer toolchain having some semi-equivalent is a reasonable wish. For many other customers, who knew…
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C++CodeHow-To'sNewsRAD StudioWindows

Upgrading to C++Builder 12.2: Tip #6, Handling Libraries with AutoLinking

Welcome to a series of tips and tricks for taking advantage of the new Windows 64-bit Modern toolchain in C++Builder / RAD Studio 12.2! This builds on a webinar we did sharing a bunch of useful information on why and how the new C++Builder matters to you, where this was the very end (so go watch the start!) Tip #6: Handling Libraries with AutoLinking Do you link libraries into your app like this…
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C++CodeHow-To'sModernizationNewsRAD StudioWindows

Upgrading to C++Builder 12.2: Tip #4, Take Advantage of Security and Correctness

Welcome to a series of tips and tricks for taking advantage of the new Windows 64-bit Modern toolchain in C++Builder / RAD Studio 12.2! This builds on a webinar we did sharing a bunch of useful information on why and how the new C++Builder matters to you, where this was the very end (so go watch the start!) Tip #4: Take Advantage of Security and Correctness The new compiler does two…
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Running Delphi & HTMX in WordPress - HTMX series part 3

There are over 472 million websites powered by WordPress. What most of them have in common is that they don’t benefit from the power of the web because WordPress is limited by its PHP structure. If you want to take your WordPress page or blog to the next level, then HTMX will be the right choice for you.  In this article, we are going to explore how to use HTMX in WordPress, by embedding…
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