RAD Studio

How To Build High-quality Cross-platform Apps With Agile Test Automation

Two of the hardest things in software development are estimating how long a project will take to complete and whether or not that project is bug free. This has become even more impossible as technology progresses. Agile test automation attempts to address this in some very specific ways. It’s a fact that in today’s hyper-connected society people own multiple types of electronic devices, and…
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DelphiRAD Studio

DelphiCon 2023 - Every App Trick In The Book

February is always a busy time for us at Embarcadero as we celebrate the birthday of our favorite programming language and IDE software! Today’s post accompanies the first of my four planned sessions for DelphiCon 2023. The slides and images to go with it can be found here: https://github.com/checkdigits/Every_app_trick_in_the_book_-_Ian_Barker and they are also included at the end of…
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Case StudyDelphiRAD Studio

This Is How I Ditched Visual C++ For Delphi And Got A Mind-Blowing 60x Speed Boost

Rick Kamenos writes for us today about how he took an enterprise app written in Visual Studio with C++ and rewrote it using our favorite IDE software RAD Studio with Delphi and went from an app which took hours to only a few minutes. It’s quite a compelling endorsement of Delphi considering C++ is often touted as the fastest programming language around! What was the enterprise problem you…
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Case StudyDelphiRAD StudioShowcase

How To Win When You Have 34 Milliseconds To Beat Snoops And Spies

Today’s Enterprise Article competition entry is from Georgi T. Gerasimov from Gatelink Ltd in Bulgaria. Georgi sent us a remarkably detailed paper where he describes the challenges of being asked for Windows app development that would securely protect digital data when one of the constraints was that it had to do the encryption work in under 34 milliseconds. You know it’s going to be a…
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