
Some Embarcadero Servers Are Experiencing A Hardware Outage

Many of you will have noticed by now that we are currently experiencing disruption to some of our services. In particular the RAD Studio installer, the GetIt package manager in the IDE, our Quality Portal, the DocWiki documentation site, certain authentication functions in connection with registrations, and other miscellaneous facilities. This is caused by a hardware outage at one of our data…
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DelphiFireMonkeyIDEModernizationNewsRAD StudioWindows

Gorgeous New Premium App Styles For RAD Studio 12 - Free With Your Subscription

For those of you who have an active subscription for RAD Studio 12 we have a great set of top-quality app styles to make your VCL Windows and Firemonkey FMX cross-platform apps look extra-slick and professional. They’re available directly from within the RAD Studio 12 IDE – just go into the GetIt Package Manager and search for “impressive” which is the name of the…
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C++DelphiIDERAD Studio

What Can You Do With RAD Studio 12? Webinar

Hello everyone. I hope you’re all keeping safe and well. We’ve had a huge amount of interest in RAD Studio 12 Athens our latest release of the Delphi and C++ IDE from Embarcadero. Thanks for your feedback which is overwhelmingly positive, and also for letting us know anything which is not quite right too. In any release the complexity of the engineering which goes into it always means…
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DelphiRAD Studio

A Powerful Delphi Tool for Objective-C to Delphi Code Translation

We’re very lucky here at Embarcadero to have a whole team of extremely talented MVPs and Tech Partners who both champion our products as enthusiastic highly skilled users but also contribute towards the power of RAD Studio with Delphi and C++ with tools, components, and services of their own. A while back we asked our MVPs if they had any interesting open-source projects or ideas they…
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