C++CodeIDERAD Studio

A Complete Guide To Programming In C++ - Visual Programming

Programming languages have evolved well thanks to the development of the technologies, the availability of education in the technical sciences, and the continuing curiosity of the human mind about searching for and creating new things. Some of the most cutting-edge evolutions and changes to the way we structure and abstract our code were originally made in the C++ language. Since the late 1970s…
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Windows 10 Apps Development Tutorial for Beginners

Are you looking for a Windows 10 apps development tutorial for beginners? There are numerous reasons why you might need to develop a desktop application. You might want to organize the data for your business so that everything is easily accessible. Perhaps you have an idea…
C++CodeDatabaseDelphiIDERAD Studio

8 Go-To Resources About Development On Windows

Alvin Toffler once wrote: “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” Ironically, we are in the 21st century, and Windows software development is not an exception. This perpetual process of learning and unlearning can be tedious without proper resources. Fortunately, tons of free and premium…
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Building The Future With Delphi #Delphi27th

Bill Clinton was President, Windows 3.1 was king, and CompuServe was still a thing. The R&D team at Borland Software Corporation which included Anders Hejlsberg, Gary Whizin, Chuck Jazdzewski, Dave Scofield, Allen Bauer, Hank Cox, Marc Cousineau, and Ray Kaestner released Delphi and changed the software development world forever. In 1995 Delphi was lauded as the next generation Windows…
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C++CodeDatabaseIDERAD Studio

How To Make Splash Screens, Icons, Bind Data And More In C++

Hello C++ App Developers, Professional applications have greatIconsandSplash Screens. They catch the user’s eye and help add to an overall impression of quality and attention to detail. Today we link to a couple of really great articles on how to create and add icons and splash screens to give that extra polish to your work. Static librariesare a good way to…
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