
Easily Manipulate Text With The FlashText Python Library In A Delphi Windows App

We know how to search or replace text in our Delphi/C++ Builder using Regular Expressions. Similarly, Python’s standard library and some other low-level modules help to search or replace text using Regular Expressions. However, to perform the search or replace keywords in documents at scale from within Python, the performance of python standard library regular expressions is not fast enough. To…
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AMD Ryzen 9 5950x Powerhouse Compiles Three Fourths Of A Million Lines Of Delphi Code In 12 Seconds

Some of the latest hardware out on the market in late 2020 is the AMD Ryzen 9 5950x CPU and at the time of this writing has the fastest single thread CPU available according to PassMark benchmarks. Additionally, it also features 16 cores and 32 threads. I wanted to try running Delphi 10.4.1 on this new modern CPU and see what it can do. The comparison machine is a i7-3770 CPU (which came out in…
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Learn How To Manipulate Date Time With This Easy Python Library In Delphi On Windows

We know how to manipulate Date Time in our Delphi/C++ Builder with n-number of APIs in TDateTime. Similarly, Python’s standard library and some other low-level modules have a near-complete date, time, and timezone functionality, but don’t work very well from a usability perspective like too many Modules and types, timezone, and timestamp conversions are verbose. To fill these gaps of usability…
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Learn How to Stop A Thread Inside Python In A Delphi Windows App

Earlier we know how to create a Thread Inside Python for a Delphi App. However, we didn’t attempt to stop the thread while running. How to stop the thread inside python for a Delphi App with Python4Delphi? This post will help to understand better with the sample. You can also use Python4Delphi with C++Builder to build Python GUI apps on Windows. Python4DelphiDemo33Sample App…
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