C++DelphiIDETech Partner

Powerful and Flexible CodeSite IDE Tooling for RAD Studio on Windows

The CodeSite Logging System gives developers deeper insight into how their code is executing, enabling them to locate problems more quickly and monitor how well their code is performing. Developers instrument their code using CodeSite loggers which send CodeSite messages to a live display or log file during program execution. All kinds of information can be encoded in a CodeSite message, and the…
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C++DelphiTech Partner

Massive And Powerful ZieglerCollection one Components For RAD Studio on Windows

“ZieglerCollection one” is a collection of Delphi and C++Builder 16/32/64-bit components (works in RAD studio as well) together with a lot of functions and procedures. The collection is made to make your life as a Delphi or C++Builder programmer a lot easier. The company ZieglerSoft is a small and heighly effective company, creating exactly the programs you need. This is what we…
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C++DelphiTech Partner

High-Performance Robust NexusDB Database for Delphi on Windows and Android

The NexusDB database engine for Delphi enables developers to easily create Client/Server and Embedded database systems that require no or little client site installation. The NexusDB database is designed to be easily modified to meet specific needs. Our company is dedicated to supporting our products and delivering first-class solutions. The company is based in Brisbane, Australia, and has…
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