CodeDelphiRAD Studio

This Book Will Make You A Better Software Developer

It’s fair to say that it is possible to be a good software developer, whether you’re writing cross platform apps, or preferring to stick to Windows development, and never really ‘get your hands dirty’ with such things like the ASM keyword. In fact, you can live a perfectly care-free programmer life without evenknowing what the lower-level things like the ASM keyword…
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10 Signs You Should Invest in Cross Platform Apps

Cross platform apps are becoming increasingly popular as they allow users to access their favorite apps and programs on multiple devices. If you are considering investing in cross platform app development, here are ten signs that it’s a good idea! How to determine if your business needs cross platform apps If you are not sure whether your business needs cross platform apps, there are…
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DelphiRAD Studio

The Next Big Thing in Windows Development 

In recent years we’ve seen objects and ideas previously thought of as science fiction become realities in our present world. The evolution of modern technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence are largely to thank for this fiction becoming reality…
C++CodeDatabaseDelphiIDERAD Studio

8 Go-To Resources About Development On Windows

Alvin Toffler once wrote: “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” Ironically, we are in the 21st century, and Windows software development is not an exception. This perpetual process of learning and unlearning can be tedious without proper resources. Fortunately, tons of free and premium…
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DelphiRAD Studio

7 Signs You Need Help With Development On Windows

Desktop applications were the primary approach to building software systems. They were all desktop applications, whether they developed utility, a small tool, or a complex architected app. Then Internet technologies started to shape the development world. Like you create an app, and everyone gets the updates automatically. But the Internet architecture infrastructure, underlying protocols, and…
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