C++DelphiIDENewsRAD Studio

Turbocharge Windows Development With RAD Studio 11.2

RAD Studio 11.2 is the latest release of Embarcadero’s premier visual development suite for Windows developers. It offers a host of new features and enhancements that make creating applications faster and easier than ever before. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at some of the most important new features in RAD Studio 11.2 and see how they can help you streamline your…
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C++IDERAD Studio

5 Tips To Start C And C++ Programming

Hello to all C and C++ developers, beginners and professionals of the programming world,Today we have 5 great tips for C nd C++ programming to motivate you in your app developer journey. Today’s topics are a round-up of some more great C++ programming articles from the…
C++DelphiIDERAD Studio

10 Best Free Cross Platform Productivity Apps In 2022

Productivity apps have made life much easier for a lot of us. From organizing daily tasks to achieving goals, these apps have become a centerfold of modern life, especially with work-from-home becoming more common. We have compiled some of the best free cross-platform productivity apps in 2022.  While apps make things simpler, they can be hard to use when they are limited to specific devices…
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Coding BootCamp 2022

Our free coding boot camp offers a comprehensive and interactive curriculum that will teach you the fundamentals of programming using Delphi and integrating with popular technologies such as Python, Android, iOS, Linux, and Arduino. You’ll also have the opportunity to…
C++CodeDatabaseDelphiIDERAD Studio

Windows 10 Mobile App Development Tutorial For Beginners

A “Hello World” app might not be helpful to users. But it is precious to a developer. Because as Morpheus said: “There is a difference between knowing the path & walking the path.” Making your first app is like walking the path. It clears your doubts and improves your sense of the whole process. It is also a test of the entire system. After all, a working app needs many…
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C++CodeDelphiIDERAD Studio

How To Build iOS Apps Without A Mac

To effectively answer how to build iOS apps without a Mac, we first need to know why some form of a Mac is always going to be necessary for a very small part of this process even though we discuss here how you can use a Windows computer to design and program macOS and iOS…
DelphiRAD Studio

Which Frameworks Can Be Used To Develop Cross Platform Applications?

As a methodology for software development, cross platform applications development has been rapidly gaining traction – and for good reasons too. Putting it simply, cross-platform development means developing software that will work across multiple platforms and types of devices. Unlike traditional frameworks that limit your application to a specific type of device or operating system…
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