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10 Best Free Cross Platform Productivity Apps In 2022

10 Best Free Cross Platform Productivity Apps In 2022

Productivity apps have made life much easier for a lot of us. From organizing daily tasks to achieving goals, these apps have become a centerfold of modern life, especially with work-from-home becoming more common. We have compiled some of the best free cross-platform productivity apps in 2022. 

While apps make things simpler, they can be hard to use when they are limited to specific devices and platforms. As most of us use various devices for work and personal use, cross platform apps help with maintaining a better work-life balance as well. The selection we’ve made here is a starting point for your inspiration. A collection of other people’s dreams that began no differently than yours: a flicker of an idea. So read on and then take a moment to ask yourself when you’ll be ready to turn your own great idea into a reality of your own?

What is a cross platform app?

Cross platform apps are designed with diverse functionality in mind. They cater to various devices and operating systems without compromising quality or UX. Good cross platform development frameworks like Embarcadero’s Firemonkey FMX help you create multi-platform compatible apps that allow you to create a fully-synced system across devices. Such apps let you enjoy great features and functionality across devices while the power of the framework helps reduce the amount of code you, the developer, needs to write to cater for the differences in screen sizes, built-in hardware like cameras and GPS sensors and all that other ephemera.

Embarcadero IDEs like Rad Studio with Delphi and C++ Builder offer amazing visual features with a modern, fully-loaded, app builder environment.  Using a single code base, your imagination and the powerful yet easy to use features of RAD Studio, you can quickly achieve great results that carry that professional polish. These let you build multi-platform native apps that meet all your design needs and integrate the full capabilities of the devices on which they run. RAD Studio’s focus on ensuring your programs provide a great user experience (UX) means your users get the gorgeous visual look and feel and slick performance they come to expect from quality apps.

Whether you are creating business solutions for a vertical market, or, like the productivity apps we discuss here, a more mass-market offering for the general public, RAD Studio gives you the tools to compete and maybe add your name to our list next year. All of the products you see in this article started in the same way – an idea and the willpower to try and go from that thought into reality.

Let’s look at our selection of what we believe to be the best cross platform productivity apps of 2022.

10 Best Free Cross Platform Productivity Apps In 2022 A developer happily smiling deep in thought with a pen poised over a paper notebook

What are the best cross platform productivity apps in 2022?

There are a lot of great free cross platform productivity apps out there. Here are 10 of the best ones:

1. Google Docs

If you’re looking for an online space for collaborative work, Google Docs [1] is one of your most straightforward and reliable options. The Google Suite includes Docs, Slides, Sheets, and Forms. Colleagues can work together in real-time with different applications. The web version and mobile app are also compatible with different devices and OS and are easy to access and use.

Google’s cloud storage means you never lose your data and always have the most up-to-date version available. It also keeps track of all previous edits, so you can comfortably monitor changes. As an online collaborative tool, Google Docs is an excellent aid for remote work and keeping in touch with coworkers. 

2. ScreenRec

10 Best Free Cross Platform Productivity Apps In 2022 ScreenRec screenshot
Source Screenreccom used with permission

ScreenRec [2] is the way to go for those looking to boost visual and audio communication. This simple screen capture app enables instant screenshot sharing and video messaging. All screen recordings also incorporate audio, and sharing is just one tap away with an instant private link. You can also annotate your recordings for maximum utility. 

It also includes 2GB of free cloud storage, enabling simple storage and access. Because of its many features, this free app is considered one of the best in collaborative work and productivity. ScreenRec also eliminates the need for third-party apps for recording or sharing purposes. It’s a valuable aid for productivity, development and design with visual input.

3. ClickUp

ClickUp ClickUp [3] is a productivity essential. This work management app has a customizable setup that lets you handle and monitor anything from close-knit teams to large hierarchies. It manages and customizes tasks, assigns and monitors work, and creates and keeps track of plans. It is also fully integrated with over 1000 additional productivity tools that can be synced with the app.

The free solution allows you to create unlimited tasks, use the ClickUp chat, and collaborate remotely in the Docs program. You are also provided free training and 24/7 support for any assistance needed. With its many integrations and quality UX, it is one of the best cross platform task manager and productivity apps and programs of 2022. 

4. Doit

10 Best Free Cross Platform Productivity Apps In 2022. Doit multi platform productivity app
Source: DoIt

Doit [4] boasts a simple and efficient UI for managing all types of work. It utilizes David Allen’s “Getting Things Done (GTD)” methodology. The cross platform GTD framework syncs all your to-do lists, so you’re always up-to-date. It also helps you stay organized, so you don’t have to expend energy on remembering your tasks, but instead on completing them.

The lists are customizable, and you can arrange them in any individual-specific order. It is free for download on Android and Apple devices, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. The additional paid Pro version also enables direct downloads for Mac and Windows desktops. With a remarkable multi-platform functionality, Doit efficiently manages your tasks and to-do lists. 

5. Trello

10 Best Free Cross Platform Productivity Apps In 2022 The Official Trello logo
Source Trello Inc Used with permission

For those who appreciate visual feedback, Trello [5] is a great option. Based on the Kanban method, it employs an agile framework enabling transparency and communication in real-time. It particularly stands out with its cards management, which organizes tasks and workflows across boards and lists. 

This multi platform app integrates other helpful productivity tools, so you can manage everything from one place. Trello is suitable for use with just about anything. It makes easier work management, task monitoring and achievement, customer relationship management (CRM) solutions, and even a way to keep track of your socials. Its simple visual style also makes for an ideal cross platform UX. 

6. Hootsuite

10 Best Free Cross Platform Productivity Apps In 2022. Hootsuite cross platform apps

Social media presence is now an essential aspect of individual and corporate life. Hootsuite [6] simplifies that aspect: it puts your socials under one roof. With the free trials for the paid version, you can bring your Twitter®, Facebook®, Instagram®, and every other social profile into one app. Hootsuite lets you manage and control all these accounts from one convenient place. 

In addition to managing profiles on multiple platforms, it lets you create posts across these platforms and check engagement in real-time. Using its social media marketing tool, you can also boost your most popular posts for greater outreach. You can start with a 30-day free trial or request a custom demo in addition to the free plan.  

7. EdrawMind

Cross platform mind mapping is made comfortable and efficient with EdrawMind [7]. The app simultaneously supplements brainstorming, note-taking and project planning. Using different Edraw Mind Map structures, you can also organize ideas into outlines and give them a precise shape and overview. You can also create a map to develop new outlines.

The app also incorporates all these ideas in dynamic and quick-to-make slideshows that present your thoughts effectively and eloquently. It is also wholly collaborative, making it easy to create and share with colleagues and friends. With its cross platform reach and numerous multi-disciplinary templates, EdrawMind makes brainstorming easier than ever. 

8. RescueTime 

Time management is a big part of any productivity plan, and RescueTime [8] does just that. This software keeps track of your daily activities and lets you know when you’re running behind schedule. It is beneficial for keeping on top of work when under pressure, as it can help you stay on task. 

Its Focus Work goal is updated daily according to your schedule, and the app alerts you to the best times for uninterrupted work or when you’re going off course. You can also enable a Focus Session to block distractions and work uninterrupted. RescueTime’s time analysis tools also help you identify and overcome any obstacles to your productivity. 

9. Microsoft To Do

10 Best Free Cross Platform Productivity Apps In 2022. Microsoft To Do task management application

For anyone in need of a cross platform to-do list app, Microsoft To Do [9] is a great option. It acts as a digital notebook, helping you categorize and manage everything. You can create anything from shopping lists and gift ideas to task reminders and recipes. Combined with attractive visuals, it also makes it easy work of organizing your thoughts and planning your day. 

The app syncs easily across various platforms, with new tasks updating as they are made. Important entries can also be ranked by priority, and the program is entirely customizable. Lists can be shared with friends and family, enabling collaboration. With its classification system, minimalist appearance, and quick online syncing, To Do is one of the best multi platform task management apps. 

10. Remember the Milk

10 Best Free Cross Platform Productivity Apps In 2022. Remember The Milk multi platform software

As far as to-do apps go, Remember The Milk [10] is pretty straightforward. It helps you create to-do lists and reminders, prioritizing important tasks daily. It is also integrated with other apps, so you can use it with your email or workflow apps. You can also share tasks and lists with others, making it especially useful in the workplace. 

The app is available across various platforms, including your smartwatch. Remember The Milk also integrates with Gmail, Twitter, Evernote, and more. Additionally, you can use it offline with over 100 beautiful themes for visual appeal. Having apps for countless Apple, Android, Windows, and Linux devices, Remember The Milk allows for an optimal to-do list UX. 


This list includes some of the best free cross platform productivity apps in 2022. These desktop, mobile and web apps are intended to help you out no matter where you are and what you want to do or which platform you use for work or personal stuff – for free.

While the apps all have quite diverse themes, branding and even user experiences (UX) there isn’t one of them you couldn’t have produced using RAD Studio and Delphi or C++ Builder. In fact, some of the UI designs and usability metaphors could actually be improved upon with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight. That’s the reality of software development – today’s heroes and superstars can be supplanted by a developer (or developers) who are eager for success and armed with the latest intelligent app builder software and low code programming language. It takes luck, and some talent too, of course, but the great thing about the software business it is still an exciting frontier where dreams and effort can still pay off.

You can tailor-make your own cross platform app to suit your exact needs and those of your users. Time and again innovators start their success stories by saying they began because they had a need to solve a particular problem – tracking and enhancing their productivity with an app, for example. Picking the right multiple platform app development software can help you build cross platform apps that are every bit as good as this list of winners we’ve chosen. Using Embarcadero’s RAD Studio with Delphi, and C++ Builder can help you take those ideas to a waiting audience of potential users today.

What are you going to build today? Download a free trial of RAD Studio with Delphi and take your first steps.


[1] Google Docs https://docs.google.com

[2] ScreenRec https://screenrec.com

[3] ClickUp https://clickup.com

[4] DoIt https://doit.im

[5] Trello https://trello.com

[6] Hootsuite https://www.hootsuite.com

[7] EDrawMind https://www.edrawmind.com

[8] RescueTime https://www.rescuetime.com

[9] Microsoft ToDo https://to-do.microsoft.com

[10] Remember The Milk https://www.rememberthemilk.com

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