CodeDatabaseDelphiRAD Studio

Powerful Filter Feature Allows Easily Dataset Filtering In Delphi With FireDAC

This sample demonstrates how to use the filter feature ofTFDQuery. To this end, the sample implements different preset filters. Moreover, you can edit your own filtering condition andapply the filter to a datasetin order to search for specific records. Location You can find theFiltersample project at: Start | Programs | Embarcadero RAD Studio Sydney |…
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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

High-Performance FastMath Library For Math-Intensive Applications On iOS, macOS, Android, And Windows

FastMath is a Delphi math library created by Erik van Bilsen, Co-Founder and Software Developer at Grijjy, Inc. It is optimized for speed, but that speed is sometimes at the expense of accuracy due to insufficient error checking. According to the library, it achieves good performance by using hand-optimized assembly code. One way it differs from what is built into the Delphi RTL is that accuracy…
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Gorilla3d Is A Powerful, Easy, And Modern 3D framework For Delphi And C++ Builder

Gorilla3D is a powerful, easy to use, and modern 3D framework for Delphi and C++ Builder FireMonkey on Windows and Android. IOS and OSX support are listed as in progress. This is a commercial product and appears to be an Alpha release but source code is available. It’s nice to see some significant improvement in 3D solutions for FireMonkey with this solution. The main new features of Gorilla3D…
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