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Great C++ Things This Week: Data Visualization And More

Hello fellow developers! We’ve had a terrific week over on LearnCPlusPlus.organd we wanted to share a few glimpses with you here. You can also click on the following link to discover a real treasure-trove of posts in the C++ Category. LearnCPlusPlus.Org is the one-stop destination for C++ knowledge, tips, tricks and examples We try to answer the developer’s needs with…
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How to Use Azure Cognitive Services

It’s been around 6 years since I last wrote about the Azure Translator Services. Since 2015, the API has been updated from XML to JSON and re-organised under the Cognitive Services branding. Additionally, functionality has been broken down into different resources to help control access and provide increased flexibility around service delivery and billing. This week, I’ve updated the…
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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

This Is How To Make A Geocoding App in 5 Minutes

In our super-connected world, looking up physical addresses and getting accurate geographic locations is becoming an almost must-have skill for our apps. Would you like to enhance your application with accurate forward and reverse batch geocoding? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a free, lightweight, and easy-to-use geocoding REST API to geocode any global address or set of coordinates in…
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Day 3 – Learn to Code Summer Camp 2021 - Now with More C++!

In keeping with our Build your own Summer Camp theme, today we are focusing on C++Builder. Before I jump into C++ learning resources, a reminder for the TCoffeeAndCode Live Stream and Danny Wind’s Introduction to REST WebServices. Monday we had a quick intro to installing C++Builder 10.4.2 CE. The following 13 video playlist walks you through some C++ Fundamentals: Once…
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C++DelphiNewsRAD Studio

What You Can Do With RAD Studio 12.2

RAD Studio 12.2, released on September 12, 2024, has changed the development game again. How? With features never before seen in the IDE, like embedded access to AI-assisted coding, and with…