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Great C++ Things This Week: Data Visualization And More

Great C++ Things This Week Data Visualization And More

Hello fellow developers!

We’ve had a terrific week over on LearnCPlusPlus.org and we wanted to share a few glimpses with you here. You can also click on the following link to discover a real treasure-trove of posts in the C++ Category.

LearnCPlusPlus.Org is the one-stop destination for C++ knowledge, tips, tricks and examples

We try to answer the developer’s needs with useful and easy-to-follow examples. Lately, we’ve noticed there is growing popularity of the site as a destination for C++ education and information exchange. We really believe LearnCPlusPlus.org is the ultimate destination to learn how to use the powerful C++ language in easy steps. If we had a ‘mission statement’ then it would be that everything we do is aimed at giving you a one-stop destination for a rapid introduction to programming in C++ and C++ IDE if you’re a beginner, all the way to the most robust, modern, and latest techniques for those more experienced with the language or for those who are perhaps wanting to expand their knowledge with the most up-to-date features, routines, and methodologies.

Apart from LearnCPlusPlus.org you can also find a swath of C++ content here on the Embarcadero Blog using this dynamic search: https://blogs.embarcadero.com/?s=c%2B%2B

This week’s C++ post picks about the data visualization

We have wonderful posts this week. Here, four posts are about 2D and 3D data visualization in C++ using arrows, cylindrical, prism bars, and plane surfaces in 3D. We also have a post about using the Screen properties, necessary for the visualization. And we have a SQL query example with C++ Builder components. And the last one is about using string copy methods. Here are our picks from LearnCPlusPlus.org,

  • Why You Should Learn About Hilarious Hedgehogs In C++
  • This Is The Smart Low Code Way To Do 3D Visualization In C++
  • Learn to Master Every Screen Property in Your C++ Builder FMX Apps
  • Learn to Visualize Topographic 3D Data in C++ Builder
  • How To Query Databases Using SQL And C++ Builder
  • How To Use Methods To Copy One String to Another String

Additionally from blogs.embarcadero.com we list here,

  • How To Make A 3D Data Visualization With Extruded Cylindrical Bars

Here are the 24 of the top C++ questions that we answer right now

In this week, we have really amazing posts and in these posts we answer the questions below and more;

  1. How can I draw vectors in arrows in C++?
  2. How can I visualize with hedgehogs on a bitmap?
  3. How can I display two-dimensional data?
  4. How can I display data in X and Y coordinates?
  5. How can I create a rectangular prism in 3D in C++?
  6. How can I generate random two-dimensional data?
  7. How can I display 2D data with rectangular bars?
  8. How can I rotate 3D visualization in C++ Builder?
  9. How can I do zoom in and zoom out in a 3D visualization?
  10. I want to learn how to visualize topographic data?
  11. How can I display a 3D function in C++?
  12. Can we display specific functions in 3D, like activation functions in AI?
  13. How can we create a 3D map in C++ games?
  14. How can I get the screen size of the device in C++ Builder?
  15. What are the properties of a Screen?
  16. Can I use Screen methods and properties in Multi-Device applications?
  17. How can I integrate Database SQL with C++ codes?
  18. How can I use SQL queries in C++?
  19. Can I use C++ Builder components to do SQL queries?
  20. What professional methods are needed to do advanced database queries?
  21. How can we copy one string to another string in Modern C++?
  22. How to copy a string to another string in C++ with = operator
  23. How to use the C++ assign() method to copy strings
  24. How to copy a C++ String to a Char array

Our favorite C++ post picks from the past week

Here are the posts from the LearnCPlusPlus.org,

Remember that we released another data visualization method with extruded cylindrical bars in blogs of Embarcadero web site. Here is this post, in addition to

We will continue to more topics about C++ in general and specific topics for C++ Builder, Dev-C++, and for the other C++ compilers. This week we have more topics about string and wide string methods. Please keep following our LearnCPlusPlus.org website for the latest posts and updates. Feel free to comment and share with your colleagues, students, members – knowledge is power, and knowledge shared is empowering.

C++ Builder is the easiest and fastest C and C++ IDE for building simple or professional applications on the Windows, Mac-OS, iOS & Android operating systems. There is a free C++ Builder Community Edition for students, beginners, and startups; it can be downloaded from here. For professional developers, we have Professional, Architect, or Enterprise versions of C++ Builder and there is a trial version you can download from here.

See What's Coming in 12.2 Athens Dev Days of Summer 2-24

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About author

Dr. Yilmaz Yoru has 35+ years of coding with more than 30+ programming languages, mostly C++ on Windows, Android, Mac-OS, iOS, Linux, and some other operating systems. He graduated and received his MSc and PhD degrees from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Eskisehir Osmangazi University. He is the founder and CEO of ESENJA LLC Company. His interests are Programming, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Artificial Intelligence, 2D & 3D Designs, and high-end innovations.

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