
How To Design a Great UI - Part 1

How do you design a user interface (UI) to be understandable and easy to interact with? In this series, I’ll give some thoughts on good design, combined with examples. This series is intended as practical UI design advice for small teams or individual developers. Many larger teams or companies have UX staff who can advise or run the process of UI design. Typically, a UI design process would be…
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Deep Delphi Discussions

Everyone knows Delphi is the best Rapid Application Development tool. Delphi, C++Builder, and RAD Studio set the standard that everyone else is still trying to follow. Nothing will get you to market quicker with a great native experience for your users. Delphi is also a top…

Targeting iOS 12 with RAD Studio

Earlier this week, Apple released the new version of iOS, iOS 12. We’ve been testing iOS 12 with 10.2 Tokyo Release 3 and the 10.3 Carnival Beta. What we support with RAD Studio 10.2.3 today: Building applications that can run on iOS 12 devices using the iOS 11 SDK and…

Beyond RAD Studio Pro: Why Developers Choose Enterprise and Architect

RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++Builder come in 3 different editions: Professional, Enterprise and Architect. Until recently we also sold some of the Enterprise features as addons for the Professional version, but that has recently been discontinued. At the same time, we’ve also added additional capabilities to these editions. This is why I felt it is worth taking a moment to recap what’s the focus…
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Prototyping: from Vision to UX Design

You have a great idea for an app, but how do you successfully get from idea to a well designed, functional app your users love? It starts with design wireframing and prototyping, a faster iterative process that requires less coding effort up front so you know what works and…

Make Your Apps Scalable and Web-Enabled

This blog post accompanies the webinarMake Your Apps Scalableand Web-Enabled – Leverage your Business Logic with a Fast Flexible Multi-Tier Architecture – Using RAD Server and REST Services. Create high performance, scalable applications by adopting a…

Build Flexible and Robust Apps with a Multi-Tier Architecture

A Multi-Tier architecture separates the UI/Presentation, the application and business logic layer, the data access layers, and the database itself in separate applications, potentially running on different computers. In this blog post we’ll examine some of the key traits of this architecture and discuss key reasons for adopting this model. Multi-tier architectures are fairly common these days…
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General Manager Update for September 2018

As we start September, I want to provide some important updates around products and product packaging. Earlier in the year, we simplified our SKUs by including the FireMonkey (FMX) Framework for developing Cross-Platform Apps into all Professional editions. These are also…

Secrets of FireDAC: Pagination With Grids And LiveBindings

If you want to display only a range of results from a recordset you can using paging (otherwise known as pagination) to do so. It is a common pattern when doing web development to give the user 20 results for example and then the ability to move to the next page. If you are implementing a REST API in RAD Server you might also implement this functionality instead of delivering 2 million rows for…
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