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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

This Is How To Easily Process CSV Data Using FireDAC

CSV is an abbreviation for a Comma-Separated Value file that enables data to be saved in a loosely-structured text form. Because of its simple format, it is very easy to process the data inside the file and extremely portable too. The great thing about the CSV files is that they are compatible with almost any text editor as well as a large number of popular applications such as Microsoft Excel…
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This Week's New C++ Post Picks From LearnCPlusPlus.org

Hello C++ Developers. Every week, we try to add about 8 to15 new and unique C++ posts to LearnCPlusPlus.org and these are mostly educational posts that can be used by a wide range starting from beginners to professional developers. We explain here how to use the powerful Modern C++ language in easy steps. We test examples with the latest RAD Studio, C++ Builder versions (10.4.2) to test…
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DelphiRAD Studio

How To Achieve Productive Server Side Development

RAD Server is a powerful application and easy to implement infrastructure for rapidly building and deploying services-based applications. RAD Server offers developers the ability to quickly create modern services-based architectures using Delphi and C++ IDEs. RAD Server…

Tracking Changes with InterBase Change Views

The ability to track changes in your database can be a time consuming and tedious process that can in certain circumstances impact the performance of your database and your users. InterBase offers an easy to implement solution to tracking those changes. What are Change…
C++CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Learn to Use Powerful SGC WebSockets WebRTC in C++ Builder

Do you want to learn what Websockets? What is WebRTC? How can we Install and use SGC Websockets WebRTC? Can we use web sockets compatible with HTTP proxies? How do I find easy-to-use WebRTC components for C++ IDE? The present post answers these questions as below. We have other articles on the blog showing some of the many uses of the Websocket protocol – you can find them by clicking…
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DelphiRAD Studio

The Dark Secrets Of Faster Compilation With Delphi

In this post, we’ll look at how to use a Windows compiler to improve Delphi applications and shorten development time. Furthermore, we learn how to debug more quickly and intelligently by utilizing lesser-known but valuable debugger features such as groups, thread support, data breakpoints, and others. Faster Parallel ProgramsCompiler settings for effectively…
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InterBase Encryption - How to Get Started?

Table of Contents IntroductionGetting Started With Interbase Encryption EngineEncrypting a Database with IBConsoleUsing the System Encryption Password parameter System Encryption Password in…