RAD Server is a powerful application and easy to implement infrastructure for rapidly building and deploying services-based applications. RAD Server offers developers the ability to quickly create modern services-based architectures using Delphi and C++ IDEs.
RAD Server – Foundation to take your existing client/server business logic to REST API endpoints swiftly.
In this post, you will learn about one of the real-world cases of using RAD Server and Delphi FireMonkey to solve problems of containerization, middleware and data abstraction.
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Zernpfennig Informatik chooses Delphi to create desktop and mobile apps
Zernpfennig Informatik is from Austria and has successfully developed mobile, web, and desktop applications for years. They needed a modern multiplatform solution for Android, iOS, and Windows for the creation of a flexible and modern access system for the newly built recycling and waste collection centers.

Why was RAD Studio chosen to provide the middleware infrastructure?
RAD Studio with Delphi and RAD Server has proven to be an ideal combination with a short development time. Both the user interface for the mobile apps and back-end programming were solved without any technology break by using the same Delphi programming language. It is a straightforward and clean solution.
How could Delphi and RAD Server solve a big challenge
The prerequisite was a multiplatform solution that can be downloaded from Android Play Store and Apple App Store. A big obstacle was the direct connection to the back end of the security company, which regulates the access system and the barrier control, and under other conditions, the location determination using the app for general access authorization.
RAD Server was the obvious choice for a light yet powerful and agile solution
Zernpfennig Informatik developed the access system called Skarabäus. The team successfully launched Skarabäus in a very short development time – 4 months for the design, building, and rollout phases in total.

The communication of the app with the RAD Server middleware was facilitated by REST APIs. The combination of Delphi and RAD Server was perfect and ideal for the project’s success. Furthermore, the system-related components were the problem solver for the Skarabäus system.
Here you can watch the whole Skarabäus application in action:
Skarabäus is a real-world example of using Delphi + RAD Server
As you can see, the team produced an ideal solution which provided rapid application development and an extremely productive ecosystem for developers.
If you would like to learn more about success stories and case studies, head over to the Embarcadero Success Stories section now!
To read more blog posts on successful projects powered by Delphi, C++ Builder and RAD Server click here: https://blogs.embarcadero.com/category/showcase/
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