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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

What You Need To Add Language Detection To Your Apps

Wouldn’t it be nice to enhance your app with automatic language detection support for 173 languages? The Languagelayer is a simple and powerful REST API built to efficiently match the text of any length to its corresponding language, cross-referencing single words, expressions, and grammatical constructions, as well as taking into account any existing accents, dialects, and other linguistic…
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DelphiRAD Studio

A Guide To Migrating From Legacy .NET Framework To Delphi

The application migration process can be easy or tedious, depending on the technology you are migrating. Moreover, migrating legacy projects to a new development environment might take a vast amount of time because of new software-from-scratch – re-engineering. Application migration is a broad term in the technological realm. Application migration can involve moving the app to a…
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How To Make A Native Cross-Platform App In 30 Seconds

In the last few years, companies are increasingly seeking the most cost-effective ways to optimize the way they make powerful applications. Cost-effective demands high productivity and a fast app development environment. Furthermore, using Windows App Development Tools to…

RAD Studio 11 Preview at Desktop First Summit

I just gave a session including a preview of RAD Studio 11 at the Embarcadero organized Desktop First UX Summit. Here are some highlights. As the release of RAD Studio 11, Delphi 11 and C++Builder 11 is coming, you can learn about a few of the expected features by…
DelphiDeveloper InterviewsInterviewNews

What Is It Like To Be A Developer Frank Lauter?

Hello. This article is part of a series where we speak with professional software developers who use Windows tools for developers, ask them what it’s like to write code for a living, and perhaps gain a few insights into the software development industry along the way. Today we’re talking to German developer and Embarcadero MVP Frank Lauter. Frank has been a developer for 39 years. He has…
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The Future Of Accessibility Is Desktop First

The advancement of technology over the years has made life more comfortable. Arguably, if we’re to have a truly inclusive society, one of technology’s priorities should be eliminating the lines of race, gender, ability, amongst others. The same goes for…

This Week's Favorite Modern C++ Picks On LearnCPlusPlus.org

Hello C++ Developers. We keep adding new and unique C++ posts to LearnCPlusPlus.org and these are mostly educational posts that can be used by a wide range starting from beginners to professional developers. We explain here how to use the powerful Modern C++ language in easy steps. We test examples with the latest RAD Studio, C++ Builder versions (10.4.2) to test modern ways in CLANG C++…
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InterBase Encryption - How to Get Started?

Table of Contents IntroductionGetting Started With Interbase Encryption EngineEncrypting a Database with IBConsoleUsing the System Encryption Password parameter System Encryption Password in…