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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

How To Build A Powerful Real-Time Stock Market App

Wouldn’t it be nice to have Stock Market Data in Real-Time, Intraday & Historical Market information for your business and be able to instantly retrieve up-to-date data for any ticker down to the minute, request intraday quotes, or search 30+ years of accurate historical market data? The stockmarket API is capable of delivering accurate data for 170,000+ worldwide stock tickers, from more…
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5 Ways To Enhance The Security Of Windows Apps

Every organization wants to get ahead of security, and security is essential for everyone. Having a secure system always helps you to avoid future problems with your customers. These current advanced and different technologies that you use give lots of risks to…

11 Tutorials For Working With Ethereum From Delphi

Ethereum is used to create decentralized applications that utilize the benefits of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. These decentralized applications (dapps) can be trustworthy, which means that once they are deployed to the Ethereum network, they will always run as…

Building Good with C++Builder Contest Results

Hello! Recently we ran a competition among anyone using C++Builder to enter the apps they’ve built which ‘do good’ – to solve a problem or help the world. We got some great entries addressing all sorts of problems, from environmental to working during the pandemic, and we’re very pleased now to share the contest results for these apps — Doing Good with C++Builder. 1st Place…
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VCL New Features in RAD Studio 11

Now that RAD Studio 11 is out, I want to get back to some of its new features, starting with VCL enhancements. Among the new features in Delphi 11, C++ Builder 11 and RAD Studio 11 one area I’m very happy about is the work the team has done on core VCL components…
CodeDelphiTech Partner

How To Create Your Own Components For The FastReport Dialog

When creating a report, it is important not only to make a nice printable form that will display the data the user needs but also a convenient pre-print dialog, where the user can set the parameters to generate the report. The FastReport preprint dialog already contains a number of components, for example, Label, Edit, Button, Memo. But sometimes this is not enough and you have to create your…
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What Are The New C++ Posts From LearnCPlusPlus.org?

Hello C++ Developers, Rad Studio 11 Alexandria has been released on 9th September 2021. This release introduces several new features for C++ IDE and Delphi programming languages, enhancements, and quality updates and bugfixes.  Some of the key areas are: You can…
DelphiRAD Studio

Delphi in the Galileo Project in Brazil

The first class formed by Tech4Me’s Galileo Project also ended their journey with knowledge in Delphi. What is Project Galileo? The Galileo Project is a Tech4Me initiative that aims to transform the lives of young people from simpler backgrounds through…

Everything You Need To Build A WSL GUI Tool Today

The Windows Subsystem for Linux allows developers to run a GNU/Linux environment including command-line tools, most of the utilities, and applications directly on their Windows computers.It has become extremely popular and an IDE Software like RAD Studio Delphi is able to create Linux applications which run directly on both WSL and full Linux computers. Several WSL distributions are…
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ModernizationNewsProductivityRAD Studio

RAD Studio & The Software Life Cycle – Publishing Applications

Publishing an app on multiple platforms can be a challenge when there are guidelines to be met and a consistent user experience guaranteed. In the first of a three-part series on the value RAD Studio…