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The 5 Worst Distractions Affecting Your Productivity And What To Do About Them

Distractions are insidious. They have a tendency to sneak up on you unannounced, and don’t ask for permission before invading your space and hijacking your attention. It doesn’t matter if they’re positive or negative, pleasant or unpleasant, the effect is the same: distractions waste precious time, shrink productivity, and force more effort and time to get back on track. Listed below are…
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Artificial Intelligence: Expectations vs. Reality

Let’s face it; we humans can be drawn to exaggerate and over-generalize when it comes to modern technology, especially during its early-adoption, nascent phases. This is understandable, many major tech introductions have the potential to change the way the world works…
CodeDelphiIDERAD Studio

Delphi 11 Alexandria Defines

As part of my recent DelphiCon 2021 session, Multi-Platform Explorations using Delphi, FMX, Feeds, REST and More, my example code needed to use IFDEFs for some of the uses statements, variable definitions and code. This blog post contains an example of the use of defines…

RAD Studio 11 Alexandria November Patch Available

Today Embarcadero released a second patch for RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++Builder 11 Alexandria. The patch addresses one significant regression introduced by Patch 1 and improves the support for the latest Apple SDKs on macOS Monterey with a new version of PAServer for macOS. This second patch, called November Patch, is a cumulative patch including also Patch 1 fixes — and therefore we are…
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DelphiRAD Studio

5 Of The Top Reasons Why You Should Use APIs

An Application Programmable Interface or API allows two applications to interact with each other using the API as a bridge or intermediary. If you are not familiar with how to integrate an API then you may be spending a lot of time unnecessarily writing a lot of code from…

New FireDAC Driver for SQLite SEE

Embarcadero has made available a new FireDAC driver for the SQLite Encryption Extension (SEE) database. The download is in GetIt and here are some details behind this decision. RAD Studio 11 Alexandria, like previous versions, ships with a FireDAC driver for the SQLite database offering two different approaches for delivery. One option is static linking, that is, to compile SQLite into your…
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ZXing.Delphi (Zebra Crossing) Tested with RAD 11 for Android and iOS

ZXing.Delphi (Zebra Crossing) In order to help our customers, I successfully compiled a small demo app using the ZXing port for Delphi with Delphi 11. (current version). This demo app is built with the most recent version of ZXing (3.92) and has been tested on Android 11 and iOS 15.1. You can also use IDE software to replicate this and create demo apps with ZXing for Android and iOS…
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InterBase Encryption - How to Get Started?

Table of Contents IntroductionGetting Started With Interbase Encryption EngineEncrypting a Database with IBConsoleUsing the System Encryption Password parameter System Encryption Password in…