
The Next Big Thing In Python GUI

Python is an extremely popular and adaptable programming language. Python’s ease of set-up, low learning curve, and low cost of entry has probably helped fuel an increased interest in coding and programming. The Python language has consistently grown in popularity among programmers since its inception, for the same reasons that learners love it but also because of its comprehensive…
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DelphiIDERAD Studio

Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Windows App Development?

Windows 11 marks a visual evolution of the Windows operating system. As Windows moves forward, customers set a higher bar for desktop applications and massive demand for Windows app development. These customer expectations can be: Good performance on the low-cost appNative app user experienceComplete matching with the latest design principlesSupport for modern window features like window…
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The Anatomy of a Great Windows UI Toolkit

The broad popularity of Agile Software Development, DevOps, and continuous delivery pipelines puts more pressure on developers to build and deploy high-quality applications faster. With technology now underlying almost every aspect of daily commerce, as well as our business…
DelphiRAD Studio

7 Signs You Need Help With Development On Windows

Desktop applications were the primary approach to building software systems. They were all desktop applications, whether they developed utility, a small tool, or a complex architected app. Then Internet technologies started to shape the development world. Like you create an…
C++DelphiRAD Studio

A Beginner's Guide To Windows Tools For Developers

It’s hard to ignore the huge success that Microsoft has had in encouraging users to adopt Windows. Even today with competition from Linux, macOS and even more esoteric device choices such as Chromebooks with their ChromeOS Microsoft Windows is the overwhelmingly dominant choice for both business and home users. Whatever platform you target as a developer, the goal is always the same…
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The C++Builder 25th Anniversary: Historical Article on C++ Builder Language Extensions

To help celebrating C++Builder 25th anniversary, I’m republishing a very old article of mine on the C++ language extensions introduced by Borland back then. As you have probably heard, soon after Delphi’s 27th birthday, C++ Builder is celebrating its 25th anniversary. You can read more about the product history, on this great blog post by C++Builder PM David Millingtonon…
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