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Delphi And Electron Testing Support Measured in Benchmarking Study

Do Delphi and Election provide testing assistance? Do they include testing libraries or rely on third-party testing libraries? The Delphi and Electron Benchmarking study compares the testing capabilities of the two software development frameworks. The “Discovering The Best Cross-Platform Framework Through Benchmarking” whitepaper evaluates two frameworks supporting multi-platform…
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10 Quick Hot Tips For Building A Modern C++ App

When developing a C++ app with the use of Builder C++, these quick tips from Embarcadero C++ MVP Ylmaz Yörü will help you create truly useful and responsive UI designs for your users, as well as top-notch code to back up the functionality. Read on as you’ll learn the 10 quick hot tips when you are planning to build a modern c++ app. 1. You should use CLANG Standards in your C++ app…
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Everything You Need For A Chat Bot C++ App, Breakpoints, Const_cast, And More

Hello C++ Developers, This we will teach how to build a simple and modern chatbot C++ app with the use of Builder C++. In another post, we will teach more details about using breakpoints. Still, if you don’t know the difference between the #include <> and #include “”, we explain the difference in another great post. In C++, a cast operator is a Unary Operator which forces one data…
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The Intermediate Guide to Windows App Development

Windows app development is quite a large subject when you go beyond just scratching the surface. There are several different kinds of Windows app development beyond just the regular GUI application. In this article we take a look at a few of the other types of app such as…

Windows Tools For Developers: Expectations vs. Reality

Modern application development can seem like a minefield even for experienced developers. Choosing the right Windows tools for developers that can guarantee increased developer productivity can be a seemingly overwhelming task. In most areas of life, productivity is often correlated directly with speed. Unfortunately, some developers buy into this kind of thinking, especially during the…
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InterBase Encryption - How to Get Started?

Table of Contents IntroductionGetting Started With Interbase Encryption EngineEncrypting a Database with IBConsoleUsing the System Encryption Password parameter System Encryption Password in…