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RAD Studio 11.1 and Windows PE Security Flags

Delphi and C++Builder 11.1 enable a number of PE security flags for Windows applications by default, some of which were previously available but a little hidden. ASLR and other recommended Windows security flags have long been supported by Delphi. In the recent 11.1 release, Embarcadero made it easier to use those flags in both Delphi and C++Builder by surfacing specific linker options, enabling…
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DelphiRAD Studio

7 Signs You Need Help With Development On Windows

Desktop applications were the primary approach to building software systems. They were all desktop applications, whether they developed utility, a small tool, or a complex architected app. Then Internet technologies started to shape the development world. Like you create an…

Top 10 How-To's: C++

Delphi integrates with multiple languages. InterBase is compatible with at least a dozen other databases. Delphi’s recent addition of Python libraries has allowed the two languages to work well together, but C++ is the closest language to Delphi. Because C++Builder has been an integral part of the RAD Studio offering for the past 25 years. C++Builder allows you to do a lot because it opens…
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The Best C++ Compiler for Windows 10 And 11

C++ is arguably the most powerful programming language as well as being one of the world’s most popular. It has many pre-defined functions, and libraries which make writing modern, robust C++ a breeze. Using a fast and reliable C++ compiler and IDE is very important for beginners and professionals since it helps C++ developers in remembering which language features exist, how to use them, and…
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Introducing RAD Studio 11.1 Alexandria [Webinar Replay]

RAD Studio 11.1 is the next release of all our favorite development tools. Join Marco Cantu, David Millington, Kyle Wheeler, and Jim McKeeth for this webinar to take a look at what is new in RAD Studio Alexandria 11.1. A must see webinar for all fans of Delphi, C++Builder…
C++DelphiRAD Studio

A Beginner's Guide To Windows Tools For Developers

It’s hard to ignore the huge success that Microsoft has had in encouraging users to adopt Windows. Even today with competition from Linux, macOS and even more esoteric device choices such as Chromebooks with their ChromeOS Microsoft Windows is the overwhelmingly dominant choice for both business and home users. Whatever platform you target as a developer, the goal is always the same…
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InterBase Encryption - How to Get Started?

Table of Contents IntroductionGetting Started With Interbase Encryption EngineEncrypting a Database with IBConsoleUsing the System Encryption Password parameter System Encryption Password in…