
RAD Studio 10.3.2 C++ Debugging Patch

A patch for debugging local variables withthe classic and Clang compilers We’ve just released a patch (what used to be called a hotfix) foran issue affecting C++Builder 10.3.2. Debugging variables in apps built with the Classic bcc32 compiler could not be evaluated or watched (RSP-25943) A previous hotfix, ‘RAD Studio 10.3.2 C++ and Delphi Toolchain Patch‘ (August…
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Modern C++ with Modern Windows

This month, September 2019, Windows 10 now has over 50% market share according to VentureBeat. It passed Windows 7 in January. Windows 7, which was introduced in 2009, will have support end in January, and the message from Microsoft is clear: Windows 10 is where both…

C++Builder and Delphi 10.3.2 Building Changed Files Patch Released

An issue where changes to a file in the IDE would not be reflected in the compiled EXE is fixed We’ve just released a patch for C++Builder and Delphi 10.3.2 that fixes the following issue: In some situations, modifying a file in the IDE followed by making or compiling the project would not build the modified file into the resulting binary (RSP-25509, RSP-25590) This issue would result in…
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RAD Studio C++ and Delphi Toolchain Patch Released

A patch for debugging local variables for Win32 C++, and linkinglarge Delphi macOS64 apps Updated Sep 26 2019 – see below We’ve just released a patch (what used to be called a hotfix) for two issues affecting Delphi and C++Builder 10.3.2. Debugging local…

Boost 1.68 for Win32 and Win64 in C++Builder 10.3.2

RAD Studio 10.3.2 comes with theup-to-date version 1.68 of Boost for both Win32 and Win64 Clang-enhanced compilers, plus Boost for the classic compiler The 10.3.x version of C++Builder has focused so far on upgrading the C++ toolchain to support C++17, as well as…

Installing C++Builder 10.3.2, Boost, and more

RAD Studio 10.3.2’s online installer, anda GetIt server for Boost and other libraries for 10.3.2, are online. As you may know, we have had some server issues recently which have affected installation. During this time, the workaround to install was to use the offline ISO-based installer. However, GetIt, which is the source of many libraries including Boost, remained offline. I’m…
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New in 10.3.2: C++17 for Win64 - target all Windows with the C++17 Clang compiler

In C++Builder 10.3.2, you can target both Win32 and Win64 using the C++17 Clang-enhanced compiler. In November, we released C++Builder 10.3.0 with an updated Clang-enhanced C++ compiler. This compiler: Was C++17 compliant Had an updated Dinkumware STL Was better at optimizing code, produced faster executables, and more Overall, a significantly worthwhile upgrade. You can read more about what was…
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