Audience: Android Developers using C++Builder and/or Delphi planning to release Android Apps
As you’re probably aware, starting August 1st, 2019, applications in the Google Play Store must support 64-bit. We are working to provide 64-bit Android support in RAD Studio, but in the meantime, Google’s Play Store team is considering extensions to the 64-bit requirement for our Delphi and C++Builder customers on an app-by-app basis (see steps below).
To ensure your C++Builder or Delphi Android 32-bit application is accepted into the Play Store, you will need to submit a request for an extension after following the regular Google Play Store publishing steps in the Console.
Note: Starting August 1st, 2019, only app updates to existing Android 32-bit applications will be considered for an extension by the Google Play Store team, not new 32-bit Android applications. For new Android 32-bit applications, it’s recommended that you submit them as soon as possible and start asking for an extension now, so that you are not impacted by the deadline come August 1st.
How to request an extension:
- Visit https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/contact/publishing
- Fill out the form and select ‘I submitted a new app or app update but it is not live’
- In the feedback field, indicate that your application was built with Embarcadero Delphi or C++Builder and that you’d like to request an extension to the 64-bit requirement
Note: Embarcadero customers can submit extension requests for Android 32-bit app updates to existing Google Play Store applications until October 1st, 2019. Once a request has been granted, customers can continue submitting updates to existing apps until August 2020.
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