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Media file meta-data on Windows in Delphi.

Author: Craig Chapman Here’s a littleDéjà vu for regular readers of my blog. One of my customers emailed me with an interesting problem this morning. “I need to be able to peek into a video file, specifically a .mp4 file, and determine if it’s PAL or NTSC.” This seemed like a fun challenge, so I thought I’d write a helper class to solve it.. The Problem. The above excerpt is…
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Mobile Support in Delphi and C++Builder 10.2.3 Professional Edition

New in 10.2 Tokyo Release 3 for Delphi and C++Builder Professional edition is the inclusion of mobile support for new purchases and customers on active Update Subscription. Previously sold as a separate add-on pack for Delphi and C++Builder Professional (or included as part of RAD Studio Pro or higher, or Delphi and C++Builder Enterprise & Architect), the included mobile support allows…
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Announcing the Release of RAD Studio 10.2.3

Key RAD Studio 10.2.3 Features: CMake Command-Line Support: CMake is a popular C++ build tool. RAD Studio 10.2.3 Tokyo provides support for building CMake projects on the command line using RAD Studio compilers. 10.2.3 also specifically supports using Ninja with…

Media file meta-data on Android in Delphi.

Author: Craig Chapman One of my customers emailed me with an interesting problem this morning. “I need to be able to peek into a video file, specifically a .mp4 file, and determine if it’s PAL or NTSC.” This seemed like a fun challenge, so I thought I’d write a…

Delphi Xlib headers

Author: Craig Chapman Back in November for CodeRage-12, I demonstrated a partial translation of the Xlib headers for X11. At that time I explained that I’d not completed the headers, but would notify on my blog when I had. Well, I’ve just done a major update to those headers for the sake of my game engine development project DarkGlass. I would still not quite call these headers complete…
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DelphiNewsRAD Studio

Delphi 30th Anniversary "Innovation Timeline" Update Published. Get Your Free PDF Now!

Ever tried to visualize the entire evolution of Delphi and modern technology in one view? The Delphi 30th Anniversary “Information Technology Innovation Timeline” does it for you! The Delphi 30th…