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Attending Spring4D Conference Next Month in Italy

Wintech Italiaand Stefan Glienke have partneredto organize the first European conference focused on theSpring4D library. Stefan is also one of the main speakers, along with Primoz Gabrijelcic, while Paolo Rossi will help hosting the event. You can read more at the conference web site: https://conf.spring4d.com/ I plan attending both days of the conference, as this is close…
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GetIt: Aqua Light Slate VCL Style

The Aqua Light Slate VCL Style is one of the free styles available in RAD Studio. Once installed you will find this in your styles folder: AquaLightSlate2.vsf To install Aqua Light Slate VCL Style, launch RAD Studio, then go Tools ➜ GetIt Package Manager, and you will…

GetIt: Calypso VCL Style - New in 10.3.1

The Calypso VCL Style is part of the new premium styles introduced in 10.3.1. It includes four variants: Light and Dark editors with Green or Blue UI elements. Once installed you will find these four style files in your styles folder: Calypso.vsf CalypsoLE.vsf CalypsoSE.vsf CalypsoSLE.vsf To install Calypso VCL Style, just make sure you are updated to 10.3.1, launch RAD Studio, then go Tools ➜…
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iPhone X and iPad Pro resolution support on Delphi 10.3.1

With Delphi 10.3.1, you can build applications for the iPhone X series devices and iPad Pro with native resolution support. To support the newer resolutions, the overall configuration and some of the image names have changed. While this applies to new projects, existing projects opened with 10.3.1 require a couple of quick project changes. Go to the Deployment Manager window Click on the Revert…
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RAD Studio 10.3.1 HTTP and SOAP Clients Enhancements

In RAD Studio 10.3, Embarcadero moved the SOAP client implementation to the HTTP client library for all platforms, given the issues support HTTPS with the previous architecture (based on Indy) on mobile platforms. On Windows, there was already a native implementation, but…

Always New, Always Delphi - New Features since Delphi 2009

The story has it, on February 14th, 1995, in San Francisco, whenAnders Hejlsberg was presenting at the Delphi launchsome of the staff from Microsoft fell out of their chairs. Everyone was so blown away Anders received a standing ovation. There was a reason Microsoft hired him the next year to becomeaDistinguished Engineer and Technical Fellow. He went on to design J++, C#…
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Running Delphi & HTMX in WordPress - HTMX series part 3

There are over 472 million websites powered by WordPress. What most of them have in common is that they don’t benefit from the power of the web because WordPress is limited by its PHP structure.