
The Power Of The Future Is Rooted In The Past

First programming languages were written in the 1950s, long before our modern day ide software was even a twinkle in the eye of the most forward-thinking minds. Those early languages were very close to the hardware. Instructions were extremely unsophisticated and were almost one-to-one conversions of a circuit’s purpose: load value, multiply value, subtract value. In fact, multiplication was…
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Windows 11 Styles and Effects - Updating Your GUI - Webinar

In this article, you’ll learn more about the Windows design language, what has changed, and how to make your applications look their best on Windows11, view the webinar’s recording. The Five Eras of Windows UI Windows ClassicWindows XP (Luna)Windows AeroMetro (aka Microsoft) Design LanguageMicrosoft Fluent Design System Windows Classic From Windows 3.11Simple…
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This Is The Blockchain: Expectations vs. Reality

We have discussed Blockchain technology in our “Everything You Need To Know About Blockchain” article. In that article we have learned about: ImmutabilityDistributionHow trust issues can be resolved with BlockchainBlockchain in the financial industryHigh…

The Pros And Cons Of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, or AI as we have come to refer to it, is a broad-ranging branch of computer science that focuses on automatic ‘thinking’ programs or machines that aim to imitate humans’ problem-solving and decision-making capabilities. Contrary to popular belief, artificial intelligence is built for humans, not to replace us but to make our jobs easier and augment our own…
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A Beginner’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence

There’s no denying the tumult, horrors and massive loss of life during World War II. But, as is often the case, from this environment of desperation and hardship sprang many technological advances. Alan Turing, helped lead an unprecedented cadre of mathematicians and…
CodeDelphiIDERAD Studio

Delphi 11 Alexandria Defines

As part of my recent DelphiCon 2021 session, Multi-Platform Explorations using Delphi, FMX, Feeds, REST and More, my example code needed to use IFDEFs for some of the uses statements, variable definitions and code. This blog post contains an example of the use of defines when compiling for Windows (Win32/Win64), macOS, iOS and Android platforms. I also include screen shots of the sample output on…
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