
FireDAC and Microsoft Azure SQL Database

I’ve started to get requests to use FireDAC with Cloud Databases, like SQL Azure. The question whether or not to put your business data in the cloud is getting easier and easier these days and a lot of that is thanks to Microsoft’s investment in Microsoft Azure. Microsoft’sstrategy to create an infrastructure, like Microsoft Azure SQL Database, that can manage…
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New in 10.2: MariaDB Support

Author: Pawe Gowacki One of the biggest new RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo database features is support for MariaDB open-source relational database. MariaDB is one of the most popular open-source SQL databases. It is a fork from MySQL database, after it has been acquired by Oracle…

FireMonkey on Linux!

Author: Pawe Gowacki It did not take long since the release of Delphi Linux compiler to have the ability to build Linux GUIs with Delphi! Just go to and get the only currently available download of FireMonkey for Linux which is “Free Trial v…

Hello Delphi and VCL! Hello community!

Author: Bogdan Polak BSC Hello This is my first blog entry. I’d like focus here on software architecture in Delphi world. Why do Delphi developers need architectural patterns? Do they need it? In my opinion, they do not only need it, but they use it constantly. In my opinion, the question worth considering is: what patterns should we use and whether each pattern fits each project? I would like…
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Updated Roadmap Coming Soon & Annual Developer Survey

A couple of weeks ago, we launched RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo. On the heels of the release, the PM team is working on an updated roadmap for calendar year 2017/2018. As we are finalizing our roadmap plans, we would like to get your feedback through our 2017 RAD Studio…

Creating a Linux Daemon (service) in Delphi.

Author: Craig Chapman With the introduction of the Linux target for Delphi, a wide range of possibilities are opened up to Delphi developers, to create Linux server applications. Unfortunately there are currently a limited number of project types available from the RAD…

10.2 Tokyo TJsonSerializer and JSON.Converters

Author: h.mohri First declare with Pascal to use the converter and generics. //// unit Unit2; interface uses System.JSON.Converters, System.JSON.Serializers, System.Generics.Collections; type TListString = TList<String>; TDictionaryStrStr = class(TDictionary<String, String>) constructor Create; overload; end; TTJsonListConverterString =…
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Delphi for Linux is Coming

Author: cupboy Does Linux Matter? I’m personally going to switch my current server from Windows to Linux, and save quite some money in the process, but this is what other developers told us…

Preparing Ubuntu 16.04 LTS for Linux Development with Upcoming Delphi 10.2 - Part 2

Author: Dean C7173 Last week, in the Part 1 of this blog post we have installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Server-edition into a VMWare Fusion virtual machine running on Mac. Now we are going to complete the configuration of the Ubuntu server, install all the prerequisites for deploying the Delphi application, and deploy “Hello World” Delphi app using the latest Delphi 10.2 Tokyo beta, as the…
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