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Enterprise Component Pack 2020 Details

Embarcadero has teamed up with some of our top Technology Partners to make an amazing Enterprise Component Pack for everyone upgrading to 10.4 Enterprise for a limited time. Upgrade today before time runs out.

IPWorks WebSockets – IntraWeb 15 Personal – Devart’s SecureBridge – Special Edition of InstallAware – TwineCompile for C++Builder – Delphi Parser – Automatic Migration Starters Kit Bundle – Steema’s TeeGrid for VCL/FMX – TMS Aurelius – ORM Framework – Winsoft Standard Component Package – Woll2Woll’s FirePower X

/n software’s IPWorks WebSockets

Create real-time, web-connected applications with support for WebSockets. IPWorks WebSockets includes a set of powerful components for integrating WebSocket communications capabilities into Web, Desktop, and Mobile applications. The components are perfect for building Web-connected applications that require real-time data including chat, multi-player games, live financial applications, and more!

AtoZed’s IntraWeb 15 Personal

IntraWeb is the leading Web Framework for Delphi. Develop like a desktop application, but deploy to the web as standard HTML and JavaScript. No plugins required.

Devart’s SecureBridge

Single license for the Standard Edition of SecureBridge by DevArt. SecureBridge is a suite of client and server components for SSH, SFTP, FTPS, HTTP/HTTPS, SSL, WebSocket, and SignalR protocols. Devart’s network security solution is easy to install and use: it is enough to place several components on the form and specify the server address and user credentials to establish a secure connection.

Special Edition of InstallAware v12

This Special Edition of InstallAware version 12 is specially built for all Delphi and C++ Builder users. Easily Incorporate Windows Installers into your projects with this powerful and customizable program.

JomiTech’s TwineCompile for C++Builder

TwineCompile is JomiTech’s solution to your slow C++ compile times. Integrating directly into the C++Builder IDE, it drastically reduces the compile/make/build times by employing techniques such as multi-threading, file caching and automatic background compiling.

TwineCompile uses innovative solutions to solve compile times from a completely different angle without requiring significant codebase modifications or fragile build processes. These solutions include multi-process load-balanced compile processes, active memory caching of frequently accessed files, and automatic pre-emptive background compile processes. The result – rapid code turnaround time with near-zero average compile times.

TwineCompile is already available in GetIt.

Delphi Parser – Automatic Migration Starters Kit Bundle

Quickly Modernize your Delphi code with The Delphi Parser Automatic Migration Starters Kit Bundle. The Delphi Parser is an automatic software modernization set of tools, for quickly upgrading legacy code to the latest Delphi 10.4. The Delphi Parser is also an essential tool for developers who want to get a deep insight into legacy code. It can analyze millions of lines of code & quickly transform any old existing code, spread across lots of files & folders, producing new & upgraded code, within a few minutes!

Bundle Includes:

Steema’s TeeGrid for VCL/FMX

Lightweight and fully-featured grid component for RAD Studio, Delphi and C++ Builder, VCL, and Firemonkey frameworks. The teeGrid allows you to easily and fast manage information, connect to data sources, and display data grids. The feature set includes grouping and sorting data, master-detail view, draggable selections, grid scrolling.

TMS Aurelius – ORM Framework

State-of-art ORM framework for Delphi with full support for data manipulation, complex and advanced queries, inheritance, polymorphism, and more. Modernize your application structure using Object-Oriented Programming techniques, reduce your maintenance cost, create automated tests easily, and more. All benefits of implementing a full-featured, robust, and trustable ORM framework.

Winsoft Standard Component Package

Complete standard package with support for VCL and FireMonkey across Windows, Android, iOS, macOS, and Linux. The package is made up of 88 individual packages. There are a lot of components in here, something for everyone, and you would have a hard time using them all.

Adonis Component SuiteComPort for macOSOBR Library for Android
Components for universal data access using ActiveX Data Objects (ADO).Delphi component for serial communication for macOS.Optical barcode recognition library for Android.
Audio Component SuiteControllerOBR Library for FireMonkey
Components for playing and recording waveform audio.A component that allows applications to receive input from the Xbox Controller.Optical barcode recognition library for FireMonkey.
Audio Component Suite for FireMonkeyCSV libraryOBR component
Components for playing and recording waveform audio.Comma-separated values (CSV) libraryOptical barcode recognition component.
Authentication for AndroidDAO Database CollectionOBR for FireMonkey
Authentication library for Android.Components for accessing MS Access databases using DAO (Data Access Objects) and ACEDAO.Optical barcode recognition component for FireMonkey.
Authentication for iOSDirect Office libraryOCR component
Delphi authentication library for iOS. Uses the LocalAuthentication framework.Delphi Open XML library to create, modify, or read .docx, .pptx and .xlsx documents. Microsoft Office installation is not requiredUse the OCR component to retrieve text from images, for example, from scanned paper documents.
Authentication for macOSDirectX JoystickOCR for FireMonkey
Delphi authentication library for macOS. Uses the LocalAuthentication framework.Component for retrieving joystick position and status.Use the OCR component to retrieve text from an image, for example, from a scanned paper document.
Barcode componentDirectX Joystick for FireMonkeyOBR Library
Barcode generation component.Component for retrieving joystick position and status.Components for automating Microsoft Office.
Barcode for FireMonkeyDSP libraryOffice XML
Barcode generation component for FireMonkey.Digital Signal Processing library.Delphi library for processing Excel .xlsx documents.
Bluetooth Library for AndroidImage Acquisition Component SuitePDF Library
Bluetooth library for Android.Components to acquire images from scanner devices.Library for creating and processing PDF documents. Uses the PDFsharp library.
BrotliImage Acquisition Component Suite for FireMonkeyPDF Library for Android
Data compression library.Components to acquire images from scanner devices.Library for creating, processing, and rendering PDF documents.
Burn CD/DVD/Blu-ray Component SuiteImage Acquisition for macOSPDFium Component Suite
Components for preparing and burning images to CD, DVD, and Blu-ray optical storage media.Image acquisition component for macOS to acquire images from scanner devices. Uses ImageCaptureCore framework.Components for viewing, navigating, text extracting, and editing PDF files.
Burn CD/DVD/Blu-ray Component Suite for FireMonkeyIOPort componentPDFium Component Suite for FireMonkey
Components for preparing and burning images to CD, DVD, and Blu-ray optical storage media.Component for accessing Windows I/O and memory-mapped ports.Components for viewing, navigating, text extracting, and editing PDF files.
Camera component for Windows.Delphi library for interoperability with Java using Java Native Interface (JNI) and class files (.class).Delphi library to communicate with the attached media and storage devices.
Camera for AndroidJavaImport for AndroidPrinting Library for Android
Camera component for Android.Converts Java .jar files, .class files and folders to Delphi/C++ Builder units for Android.Printing library for Android.
Camera for FireMonkeyJDBC for AndroidSimpleMAPI Component Suite
FireMonkey camera component for Windows.Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) library for Android.Components you can use to add messaging functionality into your applications.
Camera for iOSJoystick componentSVG Canvas
Camera component for iOS.Component for retrieving joystick position and status.Converts canvas drawing to SVG format
Camera for macOSJoystick for FireMonkeySVG Canvas for FireMonkey
Delphi camera component for macOS.Component for retrieving joystick position and status.Converts canvas drawing to SVG format supports Windows, macOS, iOS and Android
Communication Protocol SuiteJSEngineTypeLib Import
Communication components. Protocols 3964 and 3964R are implemented.JavaScript engine for Delphi.Type library importer.
Communication Protocol Suite for FireMonkeyJSON libraryUSB library for Android
Communication components. Protocols 3964 and 3964R are implemented.JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) libraryUSB and HID library for Android.
ComPort componentLibreUtils library
Component for serial communication for Windows.Delphi library for automating LibreOffice.Utilities library.
ComPort DLLLinear Algebra libraryVideo Stream
DLL library for serial communication for Windows. Communication with any device connected to a serial port.Delphi linear algebra library.Video streaming library.
ComPort for AndroidMedia Recorder for AndroidWebView
Component for serial communication for Android.Media recorder component for Android.Component to host web content in your applications.
ComPort for Android FT31xDNative HIDWebView for FireMonkey
Communication library for FTDI FT311D and FT312D devices for Android.Library for communicating with Human Interface Devices.Component to host web content in your applications.
ComPort for Android FTDINative HID for FireMonkeyWinInet Component Suite
Serial communication library for FTDI devices for Android. Uses FTDI D2XX library. No special root access privileges neededLibrary for communicating with Human Interface Devices.Components to enable applications to interact with FTP and HTTP/HTTPS protocols to access Internet resources.
ComPort for Android ProlificNative PDF for iOSWinInet Component Suite for FireMonkey
Serial communication library for Prolific devices for Android.Delphi PDF library for iOS.Components to enable applications to interact with FTP and HTTP/HTTPS protocols to access Internet resources.
ComPort for Android USBNative PDF for macOSWinRT
Serial communication library for USB connected devices for Android.Delphi PDF library for macOS.Enables Delphi applications to use Windows Runtime and UWP controls.
ComPort for Android USB SerialNFC Library for AndroidWinRT for FireMonkey
Serial communication library for USB connected devices for Android.NFC library for Android.Enables Delphi FireMonkey applications to use Windows Runtime and UWP controls.
ComPort for FireMonkeyNFC Library for iOSXML library
FireMonkey component for serial communication for Windows.NFC library for iOS.XML library using standard Windows XmlLite API with support for Windows 32 and Windows 64.
ComPort for LinuxOBR LibraryZip for Android
Delphi component for serial communication for Linux.Optical barcode recognition library.Library for Android to handle Zip files.

Woll2Woll’s FirePower X

FirePower comes with a suite of the most critical components for rapidly building professional desktop and mobile user interfaces using RAD Studio’s FireMonkey library. Featured components include its masterpiece grid, a powerful editable TreeView component, it’s flexible LayoutGrid, and so much more. Start using FirePower and you’ll be amazed how expressive your programs become with absolutely no coding, and you’ll automatically be able to run them on all your devices and computers. 1 Year Term license.

What are you waiting for? Upgrade today and take advantage of all the new features in 10.4 and this amazing Enterprise Component Pack.

In order to redeem the Enterprise Component Pack, we must share your name, email, and company name with the listed Technology Partners. Redeeming the Enterprise Component Pack is optional. For more information see Embarcadero’s privacy policy. Contents of the Enterprise Component Pack are subject to change.

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About author

Director of Delphi Consulting for GDK Software USA. Many software related patents, including swipe and pattern unlock and search engines. First Silver and Gold Delphi badges on Stack Overflow Former Developer Advocate for Embarcadero Technologies. Long time fan of programming, especially with Delphi. Author, Podcaster/YouTuber, Improvisor, Public Speaker, Father, and Friend.


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