C++DelphiRAD StudioTech Partner

Explore User-Friendly uniGUI Web Framework With Ultra-Modern Components For Delphi/C++Builder

Looking for a Web framework for your Delphi/C++ Builder Applications? How about having a framework which supports both server side and client side with minimal effort to build beautiful web applications ? UniGUI is a Full Stack focused Web Framework which give web development experience to a new dimension for Delphi/C++ builder users. Features : It allows developers to focus on Application…
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DelphiTech Partner

Combining the Strengths of Delphi and Python (Part 2 Replay)

Part 2 of the Python for Delphi developers webinar. You can find part 1 here, the getting started guide, and the original post on the webinar series. Visit the Python4Delphi repo. Q&A Log Question AskedAnswer GivenWhere are you?Right hereGood morningGood morningForest of Dean UKhi! i’am here )thanks for joining usGood evening!From MoscowGood Night in Indonesian TimeCan…
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DelphiNewsTech Partner

Getting Started with Python4Delphi

During part 1 of our webinar last week there were a few questions about installing components and getting started. I made a short video and wanted to provide some details here. SynEdit is an optional library that provides syntax highlighting and proper indention…
C++DelphiTech Partner

Powerful Internet Resource Access Components For Delphi/C++ Applications On Windows

Accessing internet resources becomes a common feature in modern desktop windows applications. Thinking how to build these capabilities in your Delphi/C++ Applications? WINSOFT made a Flexible component suite that helps you to access internet resources with FTP, and HTTP/HTTPS protocols. It uses the Standard Microsoft WinInet API. Features: It supports FTP, HTTP, and HTTPS protocols. Well…
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C++DelphiTech Partner

Quickly Learn To Create And Use JSON-RPC With Modern Delphi MVC Framework

Many situations developers have a debate on REST vs JSON-RPC. Plenty of resources available in Internet to distinguish them. This is one among them and direct how to create and use JSON-RPC with Delphi MVC Framework quickly. REST: The Word REST is the Abbreviation of the Phase ‘RepresentationalStateTransfer’ is the Architectural Design Style and it is not a standard or…
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