
Get To Know This Industry-Leading Mobile Lighting Delphi App

MyInterface is the deceptively simple yet powerful client application for the industry-leading LightFactory system from New Zealand developer Dream Solutions Limited. The MyInterface app, which is written using the excellent cross-platform features of the RAD Studio Delphi Firemonkey FMX framework, runs on iOS and Android devices. Dream Solutions say, “This app connects to LightFactory…
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Made With Delphi: This Brilliant Soccer Strategy Mobile App

The game of soccer is deceptively simple; guide the ball, using only your feet or head, and try to get it into your opponent’s net. Yet that simple set of instructions belies a game of great skill and cunning strategy worthy of any Army general or chess grandmaster. To get that leather sphere pounding in the back of the net requires guile and an understanding of physics and innate geometry…
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Powerful Bluetooth Control App Displays Delphi's Flexibility

For those fortunate enough to have access to a pool all that splash-time fun comes at the price of a not inconsiderable amount of effort. Pools, on the face of it, seem to be not a huge amount more than fancy holes in the ground filled with water. When you accidentally own a swamp The reality is though that water is a delicate little ecosystem which can very quickly go from a place of…
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Powerful Business Management iOS & Android App

Wood and timber have been a flourishing industry for thousands of years. Some of the oldest traces of early mankind include evidence that we were using wood to make our lives easier; as tables, for leverage on the slabs of Stonehenge, bridge pillars in ancient muddy causeways. Even arrows to help us obtain meat and food bowls in which to prepare and consume it. The dragon-headed Viking longships…
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