C++CodeIDEModernizationRAD Studio

What are vcle.lib and rtle.lib?

Solving an interesting issue upgrading a project from Classic to Clang. A recent blog comment asked for help where a Clang project was linking to vcle.lib, but the library did not exist in the Clang linking path (lib/win32c/release): it’s present only for the classic compiler in lib/win32/release. (Note the C in win32c, meaning Clang.) Why? If you see this error, how do you resolve it and…
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C++CodeDatabaseIDEInterBaseRAD Studio

Advanced Programming - A Complete Guide To Programming In C++

A Complete Guide To Advanced Programming In C++ This article is part of a series which teaches you the basics of how to write C++ software. C and C++ both make use of pointers. Often, new C++ programmers can struggle with both the concept and correct use of pointers. In this post we will explain what pointers are along with a discussion of linked lists which are a very common data structure…
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C++CodeIDERAD Studio

How C++ Works With Libraries and More

Hello everyone, we have new great posts about C and C++ coding that may help and motivate you, your kids, or your students to start new apps on Windows, iOS, Android, Linux, iOS, or on IoT systems. This week’s topics are a round-up of some new great C and C++ app articles from the LearnCPlusPlus website. We try to answer all your questions, please ask your questions if you need any…
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C++CodeIDERAD Studio

A Complete Guide To Programming In C++ - Basics

C++ is one of the most powerful programming languages as well as being one of the World’s most popular. Using a fast, efficient and reliable C++ IDE is very important for beginners and professionals since it helps C++ developers in remembering which language features exist, how to use them, and even detect errors when we get it wrong. Over the course of the next few weeks, we’re going to…
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