C++IDERAD Studio

What Is The Windows Software Development Kit?

What is a Software Development Kit? A Software Development Kit (SDK) provides the software required to build your applications for a specific target platform such as for Windows Development, macOS apps, iOS, Android or Linux. In the SDK Manager page of RAD Studio we define the details of the SDK so that the IDE can find the information that it needs to locate and use the required software…
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C++CodeRAD Studio

Introduction To C Programming In 2023

Hello to all developers. As we write this, a new year is approaching and we have introduction-level beginner posts about C programming that may help and motivate you, your friends and family, or your students to make learning to code your new year resolution and start new…
C++IDERAD Studio

How C++ Program Works With Libraries

The C++ programming language is one of the most popular programming languages. C++ is the highly evolved and modern app building software comes with a lot of libraries and with header files to define functions in these libraries. Libraries are one of the main important parts of the C and C++ languages. For example, you can use <stdio.h> library – or <cstdio> in C++ – for the…
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C++IDERAD Studio

What Is The C Programming Language, Who Wrote it, Is It High Level?

Hello to all developers, we have another 5 beginner-level posts about C and C++ coding that may help and motivate you, your friends and family, or your students to start new apps on Windows, Linux, iOS, or on IoT systems. This week’s topics are a round-up of some more great C and C++ apps articles from the LearnCPlusPlus website. We try to answer all your questions, please ask in the…
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C++CodeIDEModernizationRAD Studio

What are vcle.lib and rtle.lib?

Solving an interesting issue upgrading a project from Classic to Clang. A recent blog comment asked for help where a Clang project was linking to vcle.lib, but the library did not exist in the Clang linking path (lib/win32c/release): it’s present only for the classic compiler in lib/win32/release. (Note the C in win32c, meaning Clang.) Why? If you see this error, how do you resolve it and…
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