
10.4 Patch 2 Installation Guide

RAD Studio 10.4 patch 2 was released yesterday, but installing has some manual steps. Here’s how to do it. 10.4 Patch 2 (see Marco’s blog post) solves 51 issues, in areas including debugging instability, Delphi code completion, the IDE, the Delphi compiler, C++ Android exception handling, and more. Unlike normal patches, it requires some manual installation steps — installing the…
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Patch 2 for RAD Studio 10.4 now available

This patch addresses a number of issues in RAD Studio 10.4, pertaining to Delphi Compiler, the RAD Studio IDE in general and the new LSP-based Code Insight in particular, plus C++ Builder Android exceptions and some debugger issues. The installation of this patch…

Workaround for iOS AppStore 1024x1024 Icon Issue

In the middle of June, Apple started enforcing a requirement for store submissions via App Store Connect. While the requirement is not new, in the past Apple allowed developers to add the 1024×1024 icons via the store listing, rather than as part of the app submission.

Bookmarks and Navigator now available for RAD Studio 10.4!

Two popular free IDE addons for code navigation are now available for 10.4. In 10.3.1, we started shipping two popular IDE plugins intended for code navigation. Bookmarks replaces the IDE’s editor bookmarks with an unlimited number or markers, new caret (breadcrumb) markers, protection againstaccidentally overwriting, a dockable window with contextual information about each bookmark…
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Record Number of Issues Addressed in RAD Studio 10.4

RAD Studio 10.4 has a nice set of new features, now covered in several blog post and in the announcement webinar (the replay is available at The 10.4 release also addresseda large number of issues, including fixesfor over 700 publicly reported issues on Quality Portal (QP).You can see a (partial) list of the fixed issuesin…
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Delphi 10.4 Sydney is Available

Following the beta testing period and some blog post pre-announcing some of the key features (see also my blog), yesterday Embarcadero officially released RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney, which includes Delphi 10.4. My Top Three Features There are many new features in the product.

Delphi 10.4 Runtime Library Enhancements

Delphi Runtime Library is one of the foundations of the product, as the UI libraries such as VCL and FireMonkey and also database access libraries and many third party components reply on the core RTL. That is why changes to the RTL are particularly relevant, as they tend to…

Open for Business with 10.4! - May 2020 GM Update

Open for Business with 10.4! The world is cautiously opening up for business. The pandemic has devastated economies and businesses throughout the world, but the IT sector is one of the best positioned to endure and prosper in the future. Developers will be busy as companies accelerate digitalization to prepare for a virtual world. There are many more applications to build! Low and Mid code…
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