
GM Update [ em português ]

Portuguese translation of GM Update E chegamos mais uma vez àquela época do ano de celebrar e agradecer famílias, colegas e clientes. Sendo uma empresa global, precisamos reconhecer o fato de que muitos desses sentimentos variam bastante em cada país, mas a tecnologia nos aproximou e nos possibilitar compartilhar mais e nos aproximarmos mais uns dos outros. A Embarcadero continua…
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GM Update [ Türkçe ]

Turkish translation of GM Update Yılın bu zamanında ailelerimizi, meslektaşlarımızı ve müşterilerimizi kutlarız ve teşekkür ederiz. Global bir şirket olarak, bu duyguların çoğunun ülkeden ülkeye büyük ölçüde değiştiğini kabul etmek…

GM Update [ en español ]

Spanish translation of GM Update Es nuevamente esa época del año en que celebramos y agradecemos a nuestras familias, colegas y clientes. Como una empresa global, debemos reconocer que muchos de estos sentimientos varían mucho de un país a otro, pero la tecnología nos…

GM Update [ en français ]

French translation of GM Update Nous sommes à nouveau à cette période de l’année où nous célébrons et remercions nos familles, collègues et clients. En tant qu’entreprise mondiale, nous devons reconnaître que les festivités varient considérablement d’un pays à l’autre, mais la technologie nous a tous rapprochés et nous permet de mieux se connaître et…
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GM Update

It is that time of the year again when we celebrate and thank our families, colleagues, and customers. Being a global company, we have to acknowledge that many of these sentiments vary greatly from country to country, but technology has brought us all closer together and…

Deploying RAD Server with Linux Docker

Earlier this week, I blogged about Getting Started with Delphi and Linux Docker Support, which covered the Docker scripts and ready-to-use Docker images on DockerHub that you can use to deploy Delphi Linux applications manually or via PAServer and the IDE. The main reason…

Access to the CodeRage 2019 Playlists

CodeRage 2019 is a big departure from how we did things online in the past, and seems to be continuing to generate some confusion, so this post is an effort to clarify things. Each week there is a different topic There are multiple short videos around that topic available on YouTube (unlisted for now) When you register for the Round Table Q&A on Thursday of that week you get an email…
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Master Detail data in RAD Server using TEMSDataSetResource

Master Detail data in RAD Server The TEMSDataSetResource is a very powerful component that enables rapid development of full document REST API’s for TDataSet using RAD Server. Using TEMSDataSetResource, along with traditional master detail relationship configurations, it…

Embedding Swagger UI into RAD Server

This post is an update to the original post written previously showing Swagger UI being used with RAD Server,covering new features of RAD Server. Why Embed Swagger UI into RAD Server? Swagger UI (as previously discussed) is a great option for checking your documentation and working with the REST API. One of the challenges has always been CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) that makes…
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