
Musings from March – Inc Denmark and Poland

This month has seen an ever-changing global situation with the outbreak of the coronavirus. The first timethat I can remember I had to radically change / cancel a live event due to circumstances out of our control. At the start of March we were keeping an eye on the news to see how the spread of the coronavirus had impacted Denmark. With only 2 cases in Denmark, the advice at the time was…
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InterBase ISV Database Comparison

When it comes to choosing the right database to support your application it can feel like a daunting task. To make life easier, here are a few topics to consider helping you pick the right database for you and your customers. Topic Notes Look at Total Cost of…

Delphi is turning 25!

This week, Delphi is turning 25, and as part of the celebrations, members of the community have been encouraged to share their stories about Delphi, what they love and how it has helped their careers. Delphi was originally launched on the 14th of February 1995, while I was still at 6th form College. It kind of passed me by, to be honest. At the time, I was just purchasing (well my parents did) my…
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Creating PDF Reports in RAD Server

Creating PDF Reports in RAD Server Reporting is a critical aspect of any enterprise application, but the data and the programming components to create reports are not always available on all platforms? It took a little trial and error to work out the best path to create…

RAD Server Docker Technical Guide Released

Embarcadero has just published a long and detailed guide covering the deployment of RAD Server to Docker. It is available at: The guide introducing some key concepts and than covers in details (providing information about all options and…

C++Builder 10.3.3 Threading and TLS Patch

An issue withthread-local storage that could cause AVs on some Win64 machines has been resolved We’ve just released a patch for C++Builder 10.3.3 that resolves: RSP-27180 64-bit builds crash with threadsCreating and using a thread (eg std::thread) could result in an access violation on some machines. This was caused by an error setting up the Win64 32-byte shadow space inside the…
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Introducing Additional RAD Server Deployment Options

Over the past few months, we have seen a significant increase in interest and adoption of RAD Server, Embarcadero’s REST-based Web Service solution. We think this is due to the many additional features we’ve added to RAD Server in recent releases to further simplify…

5 Unique Delphi Features For Windows 10

In my previous post I focused on InterBase 2020 and outlined five good reasons why InterBase should be your next database engine. In this post I want to look at five awesome additions to Delphi that help you write lean, modern and fully compliant Windows 10 applications. To the average non-technical computer user, Windows 10 might seem as just another Windows version. I still hear both…
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