
The All-New was launched by the Gurock brothers back in about 2005. Since then Gurock’s TestRail product really took off, and they were so busy they no longer had time to maintain DelphiFeeds. It continued collecting feeds and sharing headlines but was no longer adding updated feed sources. In the interim, we’ve seen new sites like and most recently…
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Key Target Platforms Update

I wanted to share some interesting data following a recent presentation looking into Modern Windows development. 75% of Windows Desktops use Windows 10! Source: StatCounter Windows 10 is now used by 3 out of every 4 Windows desktop machines! This market share is…

RAD Studio with Delphi - The Original Low Code!

These days low-code development is en vogue. Various research groups, such as Gartner, put the low-code application development platform market at ~$10M billion in 2019 and project CAGR to be greater than 20% from 2020 to 2027. In contrast, the market for developer tools has…
DelphiNewsTech Partner

Getting Started with Python4Delphi

During part 1 of our webinar last week there were a few questions about installing components and getting started. I made a short video and wanted to provide some details here. SynEdit is an optional library that provides syntax highlighting and proper indention behaviors if you want to allow users to edit Python code in your application. If you just want to interact with Python and…
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Get Started with InterBase Tablespaces

With every version of InterBase, we introduce new features that make the database experience easier for our users. When InterBase 2020 was released, we added several enhancements and a great new feature called Tablespaces. What is an InterBase Tablespace? A Tablespace is a…

Updated XML Mapper - MVP Project

Recently we launched a new experiment of opening up some internal projects for MVPs to work on. As opposed to some of our open-source initiatives like Bold, these are still owned by Embarcadero and a primary part of the product. This is something MVPs have requested the…

How ISV's are accelerating innovation while reducing costs, thanks to InterBase

If your business is developing software that you sell for specific industry verticals / horizontal sectors, then this webinar is one not to miss! In a change-up from the normal technical sessions,  Mary Kelly will join me, Stephen Ball, as we explore the world of ISV’s, discuss ISV business models, and how companies the world over are realizing higher returns, thanks to InterBase.
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