
Data ETL: Adding Custom LiveBindings To Your Apps

In the recent Data ETL focused TCoffeeAndCode episode there was some excellent discussion around the use of FireDAC to extract and manipulate data in various ways. In this article, you’ll get through what Data ETL is, what is LiveBindings, using Live Bindings with an IDE software , using LiveBindings with custom binding expressions and many more. The replay, in case you missed it, the replay…
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Building Good with C++Builder Contest

Contest Introducing the Building Good with C++Builder Contest! A contest to show your achievements with C++Builder that benefit people, communities, and the world. We know many people use C++Builder to create software that does good: helps a nonprofit, assists scientific…

Developer Stories: Georgi Todorov Gerasimov Talks Us Through His Sophisticated File Encryption App

Georgi Todorov Gerasimov has been using Delphi for many years. He has a showcase entry submission (FPS-SE) at the Delphi 26th Showcase Challenge and we got to talk to him about his great Delphi experiences throughout the years. You can purchase and download his application over at File Protect System website. When did you start using RAD Studio Delphi and have long have you been using it? We…
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Using Delphi's Expressions Engine

Delphi RTL include a very powerful expression engine, which is one of the foundations of the Live Bindings architecture, but can be used as a separate engine for processing expressions. This blog post offers a quick introduction to the topic. There are many hidden gems in…

Extract, Transform, Load - The Magic Behind HeidiSQL

HeidiSQL is a wildly successful open source database management tool. Apart from being extremely useful in the management of MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and SQLite databases, it is also open-source and that source code is written in Delphi. Furthermore, if we integrate it with IDE Software like RADStudio, it will be more powerful. Moving on, we’ve already given a brief overview of it before…
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GM Update! Quality and Access!

Idera Developer Tools Family Grows Idera Developer Tools continue to grow with the recent acquisition of apilayer (, which provides a variety of high performance api offerings ranging from geolocation to currency rates. We have aggressive ambitions to…

InterBase ADO.NET Webinar Replay

I was recently joined by Stephen, Sriram and Marco for a webinar on the release of our updated ADO.NET drivers for InterBase. (Recording below) The ADO.NET driver has both 32 and 64 bit support for InterBase and integration with DDEX and Entity Framework 6, giving you full…

Konopka Signature VCL Controls Version 7

A new version of the KSVC bonus package with enhanced HighDPI support is now available in RAD Studio GetIt Package manager. The Konopka Signature VCL Controls library is a VCL library with a nice set of enhanced visual controls and powerful embedded designers. Embarcadero bought the rights from Raize Software a few years ago. In the 10.4.2 time frame, we made some fixes and improvements to…
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