
From Bindings List to Visual LiveBindings

Having looked into Delphi’s expression engine, component bindings, and the bindings list component, we can now look at the easy and intuitive way to configure an application with dynamic bindings, the Visual LiveBindings design surface. Over the past few weeks, I blogged about Delphi’s expression engine, binding expressions and component, and the bindings list component. Now it is…
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Are You Using The Secret Alternative To SQLite?

I know the best way to traumatize a software developer who has been using Windows Tools for Developers for some time. You just show them this image: The BDE Administration Manager. So many ‘happy’ hours trying to resolve “PDOXUSERS.NET is in use” messages and learning all about the purpose of arcane settings like SharedDir and NETDIR. Shudder. If you wanted to store a database…
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Low Code App Wizard for Delphi

Low code app development is increasingly popular today, and for good reason: it speaks to the demand for software paired with the difficulty of creating it. In many ways, Delphi led the low code revolution: RAD, where you build software by connecting components in a visual designer, is low code. The key with many low code solutions is extensibility: low code which cannot be extended to a…
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