C++CodeDatabaseDelphiIDEInterBaseRAD Studio

13 Things About Native Windows Development You May Not Know

Software development is an exciting journey. Choosing the best development tools can considerably save us from many troubles down the road. Although every developer has some considerations regarding native windows development, there might be some exciting points you may not have known. So let us explore them together. 1. Are all native development tools equal? Not all native…
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Top 10 How-To’s: FireDAC

FireDAC is a Universal Data Access library for developing applications for multiple devices, connected to enterprise databases. With its powerful universal architecture, FireDAC enables native high-speed direct access from Delphi and C++Builder to InterBase, SQLite, MySQL…

Top 10 How To's: InterBase

InterBase is a great solution for Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio users. Seamlessly integrated and with highly advanced security and data management features, like multi-level encryption, super-easy change tracking, data transfer speeds, quick recovery, and very low…
InterBaseRAD Studio

How To Deploy RAD Server With An InterBase DB To Docker

Docker enables you to simplify the deployment process effectively. It allows you to quickly deploy and scale applications into any environment. It is widely being used by development teams around the world. In this blog post, you will get an overview of docker deployment using RAD Server Engine, InterBase database, and PAServer. Let’s dive in. What is Docker? Docker is a tool that enables…
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C++DelphiInterBaseRAD Studio

RAD Server CRUD Procedures - Part 2

In this Part 2 post, we will discuss modifying the default generated CRUD (CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE) procedure implementations from the RAD Server Package Wizard, to show one possible way to implement Get, GetItem, Post, PutItem and DeleteItem REST Endpoints. In the Part 1 post, we discussed the default generated CRUD procedure implementations from the RAD Server Package Wizard. In the Part 3…
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InterBase ADO.NET Webinar Replay

I was recently joined by Stephen, Sriram and Marco for a webinar on the release of our updated ADO.NET drivers for InterBase. (Recording below) The ADO.NET driver has both 32 and 64 bit support for InterBase and integration with DDEX and Entity Framework 6, giving you full…

Getting Started as an InterBase VAR - How to Become an InterBase VAR

The InterBase VAR program is here to help you take your ideas from paper to market. We know one size doesn’t fit all and each solution is unique; that is why the VAR Program exists. VARs can embed InterBase with their applications with a “silent install” and pay for licenses periodically as they are distributed. This licensing option and volume license discounts are possible by…
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