
Powerful Visual Optimizer For Investment Portfolios Built In Delphi

OptiFolio is an advanced interactive portfolio optimization software written in Delphi. According to the developer, “OptiFolio can produce an interactive visualization of all possible investment strategies for any given set of financial assets. Delphi’s compiled code’s extreme execution speed allows it to examine millions of strategies per second. This global perspective of…
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C++DelphiTech Partner

Powerful Chromium Based WebView Component To Host Web Content In Your Delphi/C++ Builder FireMonkey Apps

Intro RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney brings support for working with web content through the Chromium-based Edge WebView2 browser control in VCL applications via the new TEdgeBrowser component. Embarcadero DocWiki But, this is for only the VCL applications currently. So, what if you want to utilize this feature in your FireMonkey application?! Problem solved! We have the WebView for FireMonkey…
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C++DelphiIDERAD Studio

Useful UX Design Guidelines For Modernizing Your Delphi VCL And FireMonkey Applications In Windows 10

Its already late and time to modernize your Delphi/C++ Application with extensive Windows 10 support, as the support for Windows 7 ended on January 14, 2020. Rad Studio offers robust components and visually stunning styles to modernize your existing applications in Windows 10. This post will give overview some of the Windows 10 specific features introduced in RAD Studio. Features…
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Get A Visually Stunning FireMonkey App Settings Template For Free Via Embarcadero GetIt

In this FireMonkey App Settings template, you can find three different multi-device templates. And you can learn how to create and design FireMonkey user interfaces. Available onC++ BuilderandDelphi Moreover, you can learn how to utilize several components together to make meaningful components. And applying different styles and creating frames to make fast and reliable…
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