
How To Make The Next App Development Step: Reengineering Or Migration?

Inevitably, during any the lifecycle of any app development there can be a lot of projects that were written or maintained during the period of the Delphi 5/6/7 popularity or even earlier. Many of them have been already migrated to newer versions of the programming language. But some of them are still being developed in old IDEs. Usually, they use a huge range of external components. Some of them…
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C++CodeIDERAD Studio

6 Ways To Make Your C++ IDE Do The Hard Work For You

Hello C++ Developers, The great thing about using a modern, professional C++ IDE is all the helpful things it can do to really inject some cool coder energy into your software developer process and help you work smarter, not harder. It’s not just the great things like code completion and context-sensitive help (which is a bit like having a senior developer looking over your shoulder…
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C++CodeDelphiIDERAD Studio

A Beginner's Guide to Python Development Tools

Welcome to an exciting journey of becoming a great Python developer. Python is such a compelling language to learn and master these days. It is an already prevalent tool for data science and machine learning, and current stats show it is going in the right direction. Every good developer needs good tools to perform well. Likewise, Python developers need great Python development tools to be…
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The Is The Step-by-Step Guide To Using A C++ Compiler

C++ is an immensely powerful programming language and one of the world’s most with many ready-made variables, functions, methods, namespaces and libraries to enable you to write almost any app you could ever want. Using a fast and reliable C++ Compiler and IDE is very important for beginners and professionals to develop C++ apps for Windows and other operating systems. When a user wants to…
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