C++DelphiRAD Studio

A Beginner's Guide To Windows Tools For Developers

It’s hard to ignore the huge success that Microsoft has had in encouraging users to adopt Windows. Even today with competition from Linux, macOS and even more esoteric device choices such as Chromebooks with their ChromeOS Microsoft Windows is the overwhelmingly dominant choice for both business and home users. Whatever platform you target as a developer, the goal is always the same…
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10 Quick Hot Tips For Building A Modern C++ App

When developing a C++ app with the use of Builder C++, these quick tips from Embarcadero C++ MVP Ylmaz Yörü will help you create truly useful and responsive UI designs for your users, as well as top-notch code to back up the functionality. Read on as you’ll learn the…

Everything You Need For A Chat Bot C++ App, Breakpoints, Const_cast, And More

Hello C++ Developers, This we will teach how to build a simple and modern chatbot C++ app with the use of Builder C++. In another post, we will teach more details about using breakpoints. Still, if you don’t know the difference between the #include <> and #include “”, we explain the difference in another great post. In C++, a cast operator is a Unary Operator which forces one data…
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The Intermediate Guide to Windows App Development

Windows app development is quite a large subject when you go beyond just scratching the surface. There are several different kinds of Windows app development beyond just the regular GUI application. In this article we take a look at a few of the other types of app such as…
C++DelphiRAD Studio

The Big Problem With Windows Software Makers, And How You Can Fix It

There are dozens of Windows software makers; the powerful tools and programming languages used to create Windows GUI applications. Most of them require you to write thousands of lines of code to do even the most basic tasks, such as drawing UI elements. Yes, several of them have their own RAD (rapid application development) tool, but when you compare Windows App Development Tools like…
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Why You Should Focus on Improving Windows 10 Apps Development

It seemed like many people thought Windows 7 was great and Microsoft should stop there. However, Microsoft recognized that what people thought of as their primary computing device was changing. Apple’s iPad and the inexorable rise of the mobile phone meant people were starting to interact with the internet and the new streaming services in ways which threatened Microsoft’s…
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