
C++Builder Optimization Guide with TwineCompile

In this post, we’re going to be covering tips and tricks on how you can optimize your c++ software projects to compile as fast as possible. While we’ll definitely be spending some time looking at optimizations geared for use with TwineCompile, some of these tricks apply to C++Builder in general. C++Builder, and TwineCompile include a lot of functionality that’s designed to optimize…
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Extract, Transform, Load - The Magic Behind HeidiSQL

HeidiSQL is a wildly successful open source database management tool. Apart from being extremely useful in the management of MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and SQLite databases, it is also open-source and that source code is written in Delphi. Furthermore, if we integrate it with IDE Software like RADStudio, it will be more powerful. Moving on, we’ve already given a brief overview of it before…
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C++CodeIDERAD Studio

LearnCPlusPlus.org :: Object-Oriented Programming, Structs, Classes, Objects, And More

Hello C++ Developers, C++ Builder Developers, Dev-C++ Developers, and all other developers. One of the most powerful features of C++ is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), which makes it different from the C programming language by using Classes, Objects, and more. Object-Oriented Programming has many advantages over procedural programming and it is the most characteristic feature of the C++…
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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Modernize Your App: Are You Handling Windows Themes Correctly?

Modern versions of Microsoft Windows are arguably a lot more pleasing to look at. Gone are the days of apps being gray slabs and chunky buttons. When Microsoft adopted the Fluent UI interface, along with it came a richer color palette, a cleaner, leaner look, and fonts without the curls and twists of the Serif families. Sidling in with that beauty treatment were a number of other…
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