CodeDatabaseDelphiIDEInterBaseRAD Studio

The Long and Winding Road To Today's Delphi - Happy 29th Birthday !

The Long and Winding Road To Delphi’s 29th Birthday This blog post contains a quick look at 29+ years of development, innovation, community and fun with Delphi. It Started with Pascal In order to get to today’s 29th year of Delphi, we have to start back in 1970 with the creation of the Pascal programming language by Niklaus Wirth (1984 ACM Turing Award Laureate) and his team at…
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C++CodeRAD Studio

Useful C++ 17 Features That You Should Learn

Hello Developers, in my opinion, the C++17 standard is one of the biggest milestones in the history of C++ development. It is amazing with a lot of new features, and in this weekly round post, we have another three important features that you should learn. We explain the…

Three Important C++ 17 Posts That Can Be Used In 2024

Happy New Year Developers! We wish you a great new year that brings peace, happiness, health, and success to you and your family. This week, we have 3 more Modern C++ features that can be used in C++ Builder. The contents of the Parallelism Technical Specification are added to C++17, and as a result, make their way into many C++ compilers and IDEs, such as the latest C++ Builder 12. We explain…
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C++CodeRAD Studio

Three Professional C++ Posts That You Should Read

Hello Developers, 2024 is getting closer, and on your desktop or laptop there is a RAD Studio, C++ Builder 12, a modern C++ IDE. Combine these with a hot coffee, these are enough to develop great applications. C++ remains hugely popular and C++17 was another big milestone in the history of C++. It comes with a lot of new features, and today we have 3 posts about them. We have 3 new post picks…
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ZXing.Delphi (Zebra Crossing) Demo Updated for RAD Studio 12 (Android and iOS)

ZXing.Delphi (Zebra Crossing) In the same way I did for RAD Studio 11 here, I successfully compiled a small demo app using the ZXing library for Delphi – but now using RAD Studio 12. This demo app was built with the most recent version of ZXing (3.97) and has been tested on Android 13 and iOS 17. This version also brings optimizations for the app appearance and performance – due the…
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