C++CodeRAD Studio

This Is How To Use C++ Functions In A Python App

Do you want to know how to create and C++ functions in a Python app? In this article we will show you how to use the newC++ Builder 12 to create a C++ function, step by step, and then call that function in any Python app. C++ Builder 12 is released packed full of great features, optimizations, and improvements. One of the great features of C++ Builder 12 was the inclusion of an initial…
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Modern Examples For The New Modern C++ Builder 12

Hello C++ Developers, Yilmaz here from LearnCPlusPlus.org. This month, the new RAD Studio 12, the new C++ Builder 12, and the new Delphi 12 were released packed full of great features, optimizations, and improvements. We’ve had some great positive and encouraging…
C++CodeIDERAD Studio

Three Important C++14 Features That You Can Use In C++ Builder 12

Hello C++ Developers, Yilmaz here, community manager for LearnCPlusPlus.org. This week was another milestone for the C++ developers, the new RAD Studio 12, the new C++ Builder 12, and the new Delphi 12 were released packed full of great features, optimizations, and improvements. There was an amazing 2.5 hours of presentation about RAD Studio 12 (I think it was the longest release presentation…
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C++CodeRAD Studio

Three Important Posts About The Features Of C++14

Hello C++ Developers. As I write this post, the summer is over (if you live in the Northern hemisphere), and, in most countries, the new educational year has started, and we wish good luck to all students. If you are a student and want to learn C++, we have a lot of educational posts for you. This week, we continue to explore features from the C++14 standard which is available in C++ Builder. This…
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C++RAD Studio

5 Important Posts That Professional C++ Developers Should Read

Hello C++ developers, this week we have five more professional and intermediate-level topics in modern C++. Modern C++ has many features to aid multi-thread programming that allow your applications to be faster and more responsive. Since the C++11 standard, the Concurrency Support Library includes built-in support for threads (std::thread) with atomic operations (std::atomic). In the first two…
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